
Jul 22, 2014

Surprise!.....A Prize!

Remember this post - We Roll ... Into Intel's Movie Night, where I had scored a movie ticket to watch Transformers 4 for free? During the event, we were asked to complete a contest form. I don't remember exactly what it was all about, but I recall writing some sort of slogan.

Last Monday, I received a call from Intel around noon. I was still groggy from being woken up. I'd slept at 5am that day.

Oh, don't blast me for staying up so late..or is that early. It was the World Cup Finals! The man of the house sniggered at my commitment. He didn't think I'd be able to stay awake but guess what? The adrenaline rush gave me the boost I needed to keep my eyes open.

Yes, back to the story. The call was to inform me that I'd won a prize! I was really excited about it. Had no idea what I was babbling about and didn't take the address down although it was repeated to me. Then, I went back to sleep. At 4pm, haha, I dialed the number and sheepishly asked for the details again. Sorry, Justin!            

Two days later, I went to collect the prize. I took a friend along and we decided to park by the roadside along with the other cars. It was a traffic free road. Just as we alighted from the car, we got back in again. Drats those pesky DBKL officers. They zoomed in to our corner and started issuing summons. I reparked the car inside the building, before they could get to me. Phew!

Well, this is what I got, a transformers collectible valued around RM200. Probably more, if I had been given a summons *wink*

This isn't just any toy. There's a guide book included to show you how to transform Optimus into a truck. Neat, huh.

Optimus - Transformers

I did watch the movie three times. So, I guess this is reward for being such a good fan? 



  1. You are sure a Tranaformer fan! Well rewarded indeed.

    Loved to watch the original cartoon version of Transformers when I were a kid. Not so keen on the big screen version. Haha. I still like the first one with Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouf.

    1. Oh, I loved the first one too. I remember all of us clapping thunderously at the end of the movie, in the cinema. I was a little disappointed when they removed Megan Fox...haha

  2. You lucky duck! What an awesome prize.

    1. Totally....I'm treasuring it a little too much for now. Lol.

  3. Aiyoh, so lucky! I want one too! Hahaha!

    1. Lucky indeed - huge surprise for me..haha ^.^

  4. congrats!
    wow that's a cool prize!

  5. It's always fun to win a prize. And I'm glad you didn't get a ticket! Hurray!
