
Jan 20, 2015

Saying Goodbye To The Deer Park In Perdana Botanical Garden

In the news ~ DBKL To Close Down Deer Park At Perdana Botanical Garden In Stages.

The largest green lung within the bustling city of Kuala Lumpur is the well-known Perdana Botanical Garden. It's a place that holds many tourist attractions. I've been here many times but have visited the deer park only once. That was last year, to warm up my leg muscles for a walkathon. The deer park has been around for close to thirty years!

This is the main entrance. It's free to enter. There were flags hung up because I was here during the month of Malaysia Day celebrations.

Deer Park Entrance, Kuala Lumpur

Visiting on a gloomy Sunday afternoon has its perks. The park was quiet of people who had stayed away in anticipation of rain.  I'm not afraid of rain. I would, however, hide under my blanket if it was accompanied by thunder and lightning.

Housed in the enclosures (pictured below), are small shy mousedeers.

Home to a few mousedeers

At the end of the path was a man-made waterfall. The sound of flowing water lent a moment of spiritual enlightenment. It was relaxing and I felt like I was in a state of meditation.

Waterfall at Deer Park, Kuala Lumpur

Then, a climb up several stairs. Phew! Luckily, it wasn't a steep one. The scenery was beautiful. 

Huffed and puffed up the stairs

I got a good view of the deers, mostly resting in a large fenced area. The stairway bridge where I stood to admire them, was nestled in the center. This was the view on my left (below).

Deers resting in the shade

On my right, and further up, I was able to get a closer view of the deers. They were munching on some leaves.


Can you tell if this is a Fallow or Axis deer? I'm clueless in this department, even after googling.

Deer at Deer Park, Kuala Lumpur

The deer park will be closed in stages to make way for a Center of Rare Plant Species. That sounds pretty exciting too, doesn't it ..even if The Little Shop of Horrors  flashed across my mind for a moment. Pardon my imagination!

Hello there!

I'm not sure how far they are with works on the new center, but if you're keen to check the place out, it's now or never as it has been reported in the papers that the park will close soon.


  1. So peaceful and beautiful! I love that waterfall!

  2. aiyo, so sayang, they shud preserve it.

    1. I thought so too..sayang, kan...but on a brighter note, maybe their new home will be a better place :)

  3. Sad to hear this lovely park is closing! I do love the scenery, but the deer, too! T.

    1. Oh yes, it's already so beautiful. I wonder if all that will be lost. Whatever is coming up, I hope it's more greens and less concrete!

  4. Such pretty deer. What are they going to do with them?

    1. I hear that they're being moved to another Deer Park which is located in a local university.

  5. I am sorry to hear the park is closing. It looks like a really nice place to go.

    1. Lady Lilith, how are you? You must be exhausted!
      Thank you for dropping by even when days are super busy.

  6. It is so beautiful. Gosh! Poor deers. It is stressful for them to move from here to new surroundings.

    1. Indeed. I hope every care has been taken to ensure smooth travel.

  7. can't wait for the rare plant species..owh..whatever it is they shouldn't close the Taman Rusa dan Kancil.

  8. wow i never know about this place
    ops sadly they need to close down such a nice place
    anyway I hope DBKL makes a wise decision
