
Apr 13, 2015

Boom, Clap ....Flash!

When I googled for images of lightning, the first thing I noticed was that my shots didn't have 'roots'. I learned of a better word to describe it as I delved deeper into the topic of lightning. The shots I took were clean of 'branching'.

From this website , I was able to identify the ones that I took were type 'Cloud-to-Ground Lightning - Positive (+CG) ' .

This first shot was taken behind a glass door. In all my years of living in a highrise, I've never really looked outside to see the flashes of light that so regularly sneak through my blinds, sometimes with the clap of thunder and pouring rain and sometimes without.

In all honesty, I find it a frightening affair and at times, I'm left wondering if my heart is doing somersaults within me!

On this particular day however, my aunt was around. We were talking about nothing in particular. I don't even remember why we decided to do this, but we had both edged to the sliding door like two scaredy-cats, just to snap a photo of the lightning that had been flashing every few minutes.

My unconfident finger stayed on the button of the camera ... boom! I got the shot. So this is it, my maiden attempt at photographing lightning. Proud laughing moment.

30th March 2015, 4.31PM - Kuala Lumpur

And below, my second try. A little braver, since I slid the door slightly open for this one.

9th April 2015, 8.14PM - Kuala Lumpur

No special gadget  - just my trusty old digital camera, one press of the button plus a bit of luck!

.... I am kind of looking forward to seeing the next one. Grin.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ez. I'm just amazed I clicked at the right time. It's so heart-thumping!

  2. Nice photos. As scary and loud as the thunder is, I love looking at lightning. An art of God's creation.

    1. Art..yes, that's a nice way to think about it. :)

  3. Daebak!!! nice shot Sharon...

  4. Wow! these are great pics and you did it! Beautiful!

  5. Wow. Your bravery is amazing. I love your shots. They are so pretty and truly one of a kind.

    1. Thank you. Still scares me ^.^

  6. Sharon, those are great! I love lightning when I am securely inside!

  7. wow looks great!
    like it
    it takes courage to shoot the lightning

    1. Thanks, Emily. Not something I will try if it's too close to ^.^
