
Mar 6, 2018

Two Weeks Into Woof Woof Year

If it were possible for blogs to collect dust - FuuuUuuhhHh ..*cough-cough* .. that's how long I've been away. Life happened and it happened interestingly. Weeks were spent spring cleaning and redecorating the home.

I took my sweet time too, having read at least fifteen books in between, my hands unable to put any down once the first page is turned save for food and the occasional cuppa. It was difficult trying to disconnect myself from tales of vampire romance and sword wielding unearthly creatures.

Then there were meet-ups with close friends and relatives to pass on CNY goodies. We caught up with what's going on with each other. There was the traveling - seven days in Penang! I'm now back in KL and ready to rumble.... at least I think my washing machine is,looking at the pile of dirty laundry I have to do.

Penang Island

I thought to ease into the New Year with some quiet time but phlegmy cough and a runny nose made me miserable for a week. Miserable, but not wholly uncheerful. That didn't stop me from tidying the home and cleaning up the mess left by my partying pigeon buddies - and boy, did they party!

These are some of the food I enjoyed in the early weeks of the Chinese New Year (CNY) celebration. It began with an eight-course Reunion Dinner at Baview Hotel.

Prawn Dish

Reunion Dinner

On the first day of CNY, mee sua (longevity noodles) in herbal chicken soup is a must for us as it is a symbol of longevity. MIL never fails to cook this. It's a family tradition that has been practiced for decades. Long live Sharon!

Mee Sua in Herbal Chicken Soup

We headed out to catch the lion dance after that. It is an auspicious thing for us, all about ushering in good luck.

Lion Dance

Tong Tong Chiang

Days later, MIL treated the family to her famous 'kiam chye boey' - a sour, spicy, moreish stew made from leftovers. Roasted pork belly, roasted duck, chicken, mustard greens, dried chilli and preserved plums cooked in a huge pot until the flavours come together in a rich gravy best savoured with rice or noodles.

Kiam Chye Boey (Mustard greens, leftover meat stew)

To summarise, CNY is mostly about food, friends and family for me. So there you go - my first couple of weeks into The Year of The Dog.


  1. Wow. You have been reading a lot. As for me, I only read a book last year. Gosh. Need to catch up on some reading this year.

    I also not well over the CNY. take care and hope to see you around.

    1. Guess the New Year bug got to us, Rose! You take care too x

  2. Hey! Sharon, you have been missed :-)) Looks like you had a great CNY celebration!

    1. I have certainly missed you, Angie ;) Happy to be back.

  3. What a coincidence that I was also in Penang for a week. I had so much and ate too much hawker food & CNY meals.

    I love that kiam chye boey and rarely could find this in KL. I must ask my wife to learn to cook this as it looks easy to throw any leftovers into the pot. This soup makes everyone happy.

    It is good to read many books instead of watch telly and ipads like me! -shy mode-

    1. Haha .. we may have passed each other and not realise it!

      I agree with you. Kiam chye boey is like McD's Happy Meal. Eat sure happy and satisfied one.

      I don't know about that, TM. The books I read aren't exactly for knowledge. It's pure

  4. Gosh, the herbal chicken soup with mee sua looks delicious! Did you put on weight?? xoxo

    1. Yes, I have grown wider, Shirley ...hahaha!! ^.^ CNY is never good to me!

  5. I hope you are better and better! :) I wish you good health!

  6. wow i remember the mee sua
    you posted it too last year :D
    how time flies oh, CNY over jo
