
Apr 21, 2014

I Bagged These At Parkson. Gin&Jacqie Blessed Me One.

It's all in the bag. In my case, two bags have been secured in custody. That's how my weekend was spent, by the way - shopping for handbags with enthusiastic man in tow.

My handbag, which has been subject to constant abuse, gave way recently. It has weathered rain, sun and sand. The once perfect black faux leather has peeled. I left it at that.

When Man received some cash vouchers recently because he'd been a very nice guy to the bank, he insisted that I get a bag. I'm boringly practical. I use most of my cash vouchers on groceries and things that wear out easily like socks or undergarments. What can I say? I caved in.

How I landed myself with two handbags is entirely the doing of 'two indecisive parties'. I'll not elaborate because I think that explains it all. We Malaysians like to say, "Cannot decide, ah? Take two lah."

Bags by F.Timber

In what I call a personal record, I have accumulated three bags into the first four months of 2014. That's almost a bag a month.

I won this bag (photo below) in a contest which I had 'inadvertently' joined, no thanks to a close friend of mine. She entered a facebook comment competition, teased me and tagged me. I retaliated in good humour and that was that.

A little about this bag. I love it so much. It is my favourite road trip bag. I keep junk food and drinks in it. Small sweets in little compartments, cold coffee in one corner, chocolates and chips in another. A packet of scented wet tissue, small bin bag and some plastic cutlery is also stuffed in ← these are essential for pigging out in the car.

Makes me wonder what everyone else packs for their road trip. What's essential to you?

Bag by Gin&Jacqie

Money doesn't buy elegance. You can take an inexpensive sheath, add a pretty scarf, gray shoes, and a wonderful bag, and it will always be elegant ~ Carolina Herrera


  1. Oooh. So sweet of your man. Lucky you. Two bags one shot.

  2. Kill three birds with one stone?? Hahaha! I've a weakness for bags & shoes. Wish I've a daughter to pass it on.....

    1. Aah...yes. There is that. We're in the same boat.. :)

  3. the owl brownish bag is cute
    I like the bag ^^
    I'm obsessed with bag, shoe and dress most of the time too ^^ LOL
    but still I able to control by just adding in my closet perhaps half a year

    1. Hah, on self-control - amazing sale prices have been known to move!! I love the owl bag a lot too.

  4. Nothing like having a new bag AND a man in tow! Great work!

    1. It was a day of miracles. He's not 'that guy who loves to shop'! ;)

  5. nice bags, ready for shopping.
