
Apr 24, 2014

I Love These Book Covers

I remember the old days. My worn out school books - torn at the edges, smudged with poorly erased pencil marks, creased from frequent use.

All my text books were Buku Pinjaman (books we loaned from school). The book I held had probably passed many hands. I could have been studying from the same book as some famous localite for all I knew.

We never had plastic book covers back then. Plain white or brown paper was used to wrap whatever we wanted. But if it was book I liked, it would be wrapped in fancy printed gift paper.

We started using plastic when I was in my 20s. I would buy a roll and slice it according to book size. Then, I would fold the edges with tape. I was often proud of my handiwork and spent unnecessary seconds appreciating the glossy cover before moving on to the next book.

It soon became a tedious affair...I stopped. For a long time, my books were left in a state of 'undress'.

And then these came along - pre-cut plastic covers! There are a couple of sizes available and it is easy to use. You slot the book in and that's it. Most of the sizes fit the books I have, perfectly. If it didn't, I tape the sides in.

Nifty Book Covers

So if you're wondering what I've been doing on this rainy day in Kuala Lumpur, this is it. Mission accomplished. All my new books have been wrapped.

Beloved Books Gets Wrapped

Now I wonder if I should put my name on it...


  1. Wow! You wrapped your magazine and books? I dont. Hehe.

    yeap! Now plastic wrappers are so easy to use. My kid's school books all wrapped in that pre-cut plastic.

    1. Just the books. But now that you've mentioned magazines, that's not a bad idea at all..haha ;)

  2. I was looking for this type of wrapper, very hard to find here in Kuching, maybe I search at the wrong place. I don't want to wrap my son's books using the normal wrap anymore..huhu

    1. I got these from a small supermarket but I think you'll have a better chance finding it at a stationery store that sells school books :)

  3. When I was a kid, I used to wrap my books in pretty wrapping papers. Then we those customized plastic covers started, I was one of those who rushed to buy. I'm rather vain, always wanna keep my books in brand new condition. Hahaha!

    1. Haha..I'm 'semi-vain' then - I do this only for my favourite books ;)
