
Sep 23, 2015

All RM5 Book Fiesta - It's Popular!

If you're in Kuala Lumpur this weekend, and if you love books, then Popular Book Store's All RM5 Fiesta would be your kind of heaven.

I popped in for a look-see last week when Hubs decided to drop by Viva Home Shopping Mall (where the fiesta is) to check out home fixtures at a shop there. Although it was less than a 20-minute walkabout , I picked up a good haul of books.

"Good job! " I grinned and gave myself a pat on the back. One, for being disciplined enough to stick to the budget and two, for settling some of my Christmas gift shopping.

This is a photo of the entrance to the sale. Fellow book lovers, enter at your own risk. I'm kidding. 

Buy! Buy! Buy!

There is a fair selection to choose from. I was mostly in the cookery section so I cannot confirm how extensive it was. I did pick up some other books as I headed towards the cashier.

RM5 Book Fiesta At Viva Home Expo Hall

I guess I can start wrapping these up.

Book Gifts - All RM5 each!

I won't be rushing or panicking this Christmas. That's for sure!

Mission Accomplished!

So's my Blue Pea Flower plant. It's on top of my head and in need of trimming.

The All RM5 Fiesta ends this Sunday on 27 Sep. Make your way to: Viva Home Expo Hall.

My adventure last year and lack of self-control.


  1. It waals on sale over here too but not sure of the RM5. Lazy to go browsing this round. Haha. Maybe the bookworm in me hibernating this year because of the haze. Lol.

    1. I wouldn't go out too much either with the haze and all. Hope it clears soon!

  2. Nice find, Sharon. Love that Natural Remedies 1001!

  3. Wow, I need to visit the Popular sales here in Kuching too.

  4. Hope there is a similar sales at Popular here too..

    1. Fingers crossed that there will be one! :D

  5. I went to one book sales but couldn't get what I wanted. I was really surprised at myself for coming out of the sales empty handed!

    1. It happens to me too - just one of those days, I guess! ^.^

  6. What a fun post! I love sales of any kind, and books are great! You look lovely in your photo, Sharon. :)

    1. Oh, thank you, Linda. You and me alike - I love anything that's going at a bargain. ^.^

  7. wow it looks like a great haul
    breakfast in bed? is that a book?
    would love to see more in details of your hahaha
    if you don't mind

    1. Uh oh, I gave the breakfast in bed set away already! It comes with a recipe book inside. There's 2 egg cups, a timer and a bread toast decorating item. Let's just say that breakfast is going to be very exciting with this gift set. :D

  8. Why we can never find such deals in SG?? Sigh! xoxo

    1. Haha. . I feel for you, Shirley. Fingers crossed that there will be one in SG soon! xx
