
Sep 27, 2015

I Paint Not The Canvas

It's our 10th anniversary of home ownership. Hubs and I signed the papers a decade ago after being lured by a bright and breezy ambiance. I love the view which is at the moment, still largely unobstructed by high-rises.

I've learned that home isn't a place, it's a feeling. ~ Cecelia Ahern

As with anything that grows old with time, there is wear and tear. Leaky taps, peeling paint, faded sofa covers are some examples. I wasn't pleased with the situation in our bathroom. The ceiling was stained with smudges of grey. So, I gave it a paint job.

Climbing up the ladder made me realise that I was no longer the agile 20-year-old I used to be. With a less steady foot on the narrow steps and several oofs, I wondered how I even climbed trees in the past. This was the same ladder that I had confidently jumped up and down from in my earlier home owning days.

I took a short break to snap this picture, an excuse to rest my neck from the strain it was feeling from looking up for long periods as I swished the paint roller back and forth. 

The Ceiling Gets A New Coat Of Paint

This is an old can of unfinished paint which I've saved for more than a couple of years. Part of it was used to paint the bathroom door. It was during the time I had embarked on a painting project which I had written about here and here. I used it all up this time.

Paint tip: Cover the lid of an unfinished can of paint tightly so that you can use what's left, when the time comes.

Old Paint, Stored Properly, Can Be Used Again

Next, I painted the rattan edging of our bath mirror. Some areas of the rattan had turned an unsightly black from water marks.

This is it - the before and after!

Paint Job - Done!

That's two things crossed off my to-do list!


  1. Great DIY project. We have few touch up work need to done also, but still not in the mood.

    1. Haha .. same here, Ez. I'm taking things step-by-step.

  2. Wow! You do yourself? I am impressed. Good luck!

  3. Sharon, you are a great D.I.Y. person. Job well done! Mine are going very slowly.

    1. Thanks, Nancy! I guess if it's not urgent, there's no reason to rush ;)

  4. You are very talented, Sharon! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  5. i painted my own grilled door once. my neighbour laugh at me when they saw the end result. Serious! I am not meant to paint anything. I live with horrible looking painted grilled door for 2 years now. Even the color didn't came out right. haihhhh!!!!

    1. Lol...!! I can imagine how you must feel every time you look at it. On a brighter note, I'm pretty sure that in another couple of years, it will be due for another paint job. ;)
