I've had a series of dental check-ups recently - thanks to poor teeth maintenance and a gobble-whatever-you-can-life-is-short mentality.
Finally removed the stitches, had my fillings done and voila! I'm back to my old habits? No. I brush my teeth more now and eat with care. This lesson is costing me RM2.7K.
But I had a wonderful time at the dental clinic - Think super positive nurse + words-laced-with-sugar Dentist. I'm so touched by their kindness that I'm ready to send them a fruit basket and flowers.
I've been avoiding the dentist because over-imaginative me scared myself silly into believing that they're tooth demons.
But now, I know that they're really tooth fairies in disguise. For being such a well behaved? patient, they gave me an MC although I took leave from work to do this. Awwww ...
Lo! Behold..ponytails. :D