Nov 18, 2007

0 Lost In Euphoria

Yahoo! This must be my lucky month – Just found out that I’d won James Blunt’s “All The Lost Souls” CD this week.Am I one of those people who join every contest? Nah..only when the mood gets me (usually during the holidays) and only those with slogans. You’ll never catch me going for lucky draws because I just do not have the time to submit multiple entries and I don’t believe I’m as lucky as some people out there….hehehe. I just love writing slogans – silly slogans.The last time I submitted an entry was sometime during Merdeka month – didn’t expect to win two out of the three I joined, with the results released almost the same time.Online contests...

Nov 17, 2007

0 Starless Stadust vs Crazy Black Sheep

Starless "Stardust" - That just about sums up my take on the movie – a poor attempt at a fairy tale romance. I couldn’t feel any spark between the two stars. The leading lady who played the fallen star wasn’t exactly starry – she was a nag (forever grumbling) dressed in a drab silver gown…*god knows who designed something so unimaginative*.. There are some silly shows which I like and then there are some which I just don’t. This is just one of those I that don’t. “Black Sheep” was tolerable – it was such a poor make, it had me laughing non-stop. It was simply outrageous. Imagine this, you get zombie sheep tearing people apart *Can sheep actually...

Nov 8, 2007

0 Down and out but not without reward

It was amazing - finding out that I'd won a contest while I was sick. I'd been on MC the previous day. When I came back the next day, I was still a little, very weak. I'd been coughing for the past month - spewing phlegm tinged with blood every ten minutes or so. Just an infection, the Doc days. Well, I completed the course of medication but the darn cough remained. I really didn't want to disturb my colleagues with my incessant barking but hey, who's gonna give me a month off for this?......*perils of not being filthy rich* In my depressed and tired state, I decided to google my own name out of vanity. And there it was - gosh..I'd...

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