Aug 22, 2015

18 Of Pets And Pest

It has been my morning ritual to walk outside, admire the plants and breathe in fresh sun-blessed air. Imagine my surprise at seeing several pak choy leaves with chomp marks one day - in both planter box! "It couldn't be the snails. They're too little. Plus, buddies don't do this to each other!" I was miffed. I squinted my eyes to look for my friends to see if any one of them had magically grown in size like Alice In Wonderland. Then, I saw it. Camouflaged in plain sight. I left Mr. Grasshopper where it was. Perhaps it needed some food before it continued on its way. A high-rise apartment isn't exactly 'home' for a hopping free-spirited...

Aug 18, 2015

24 Magnum Ice Cream For Pleasure Seekers

Magnum puts me in a special place of wonderful. I think, "How luxurious the taste!" ♥ These are my three most pleasurable moments with Magnum. When I brought my aunt to the Magnum Cafe at Mid Valley Megamall, Kuala Lumpur, it was an experience I couldn't forget. We got to choose our own topping. Pistachios, golden crunch pearls and rose petals were our pick. We sat down and savoured every bite of this gorgeous stick of ice cream. Oh, I cannot get it out of my mind how yummy this was. My Magnum Creation- RM9.90 Magnum Cafe, Mid Valley Megamall On one of the days my cousin (who flew in for a vacation) was here, I took her and my aunt...

Aug 15, 2015

12 Rain, rain, come again!

How nice to play in the rain when it is without lightning and thunder. I used to do that! I'll never forget the time when, in my early twenties, a senior citizen, with a twinkle in her eye said to me, "Let's do it." Next thing I knew, we had our yellow raincoats on and we pranced, and laughed under the pour of heavy rain.  Two days ago, Kuala Lumpur was hit by a thunderstorm. My balcony was flooded with about an inch of rainwater. It brought back memories to when I was a kid. After heavy rain, the grassy field outside would be filled with huge puddles of water. I would make paper boats to play with. I decided to see if I could remember...

Aug 11, 2015

12 A Sunday At The KL City Grand Prix

VrooOoooom! That's how my weekend went. I spent it at a car racing event. Roaring engines give me an adrenaline rush. I fall into this dream state where I imagine I'm Speedy Gonzales. That's about it. Don't mistake me for a car enthusiast. I'm not ..not the kind who memorises car make and the deets on the drivers. Lamborghini Super Trofeo Asia Series The KL City Grand Prix had many Kuala Lumpurians who worked in the golden triangle grousing about the road blocks and traffic congestion. I guess the mood would have been better if we had efficient public transportation services. Whilst I sympathised with those who were affected, I was also...

Aug 5, 2015

18 Royal Floria Putrajaya Festival 2015

Every middle of the year, a little corner of Putrajaya is transformed into a garden paradise. Beautiful landscaping, creative planting, competitions, handicrafts, garden supplies, souvenirs, food and live performances bring the place alive with feelings of wonderment and excitement. One word describes Floria Putrajaya - 'happening!'Visitors come from afar and the place is packed on weekends. The best time for a quiet walkabout would be to come on a week day. Floria Putrajaya 2015 I paid a nominal price to enter the site. The stroll along the walkway took more time than I intended because it was hard not to stop and admire the flowers. Flowers...

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