Mar 31, 2016

22 Visiting The Royal Museum, Kuala Lumpur

The Royal Museum (Muzium DiRaja) was formerly the official residence of the King and Queen of Malaysia. Before its doors were open to the public as a piece of historical treasure, it was our Istana Negara (National Palace) until 2011.   I felt the pages of our Buku Sejarah (history book) come alive as I walked through the old palace. It is a good place to visit, and not short on informational noticeboards. Before it became our National Palace, this was actually the mansion of a Chinese tin mining millionaire with 8 wives! He fled the country with his family during the Japanese occupation. A Japanese Governor made this his home until...

Mar 26, 2016

22 My Name On A Nutella Jar

Almost four weeks into March, and boy has it been invigorating! I took visiting relatives on several sightseeing trips and went to a once-in-a-lifetime event. My blog took a backseat as I attended to adventures that life threw at me. Now I'm back and raring to write type!  Did you hear about Nutella's personalised jars campaign? The moment I saw an advertisement about it on Facebook, I knew I had to be there. The date on my table planner was circled so enthusiastically that the pen almost ripped the paper. This excitement is not surprising! I'm surrounded by Nutella-loving people. My friends and family get starry-eyed at the mention of...

Mar 8, 2016

27 A Love Affair With Giant Curry Buns

It's pillowy and everything nice. I am 'Bread-Hugger' , in case anyone asks what my superhero name is. That's right, I have an immense craving for hugging large breads. I only stop myself because nobody will eat it if I did.  "Sharon, why is my bread so ... out-of-shape? "  Don't ask. My infatuation with giant buns began in 2013. It was love at first sight, then at first bite at Restoran Tin Hoe Hweeh (KL).  I blogged about it here. Whilst I have a desire to hug large buns in general, my eating preference lean towards those with a curry filling or anything savory. Fast forward several buns later, Hubs and I drove all the way...

Mar 5, 2016

12 Reviewing The EnviroHome Dish Wash

The folks at EnviroHome said something along the lines of - ' We want you to try this product and give us an honest opinion. Take your time. '  That I did. EnviroHome Dish Wash They had me at 'environmental friendly'. I'm always trying to do my part for Mother Earth. Hence, the garden in my balcony, not littering, donating stuff and and keeping magazines aside for recycling. However, I've never given much thought to the dish soap I use. Think about it! Whatever we use, goes to the Earth we live on be it via a poorly maintained septic tank or through outdoor washing.  The amount of dish washing soap we use daily is scary, and...

Mar 3, 2016

16 Seremban : Cultural Arts Centre

We road-tripped from KL to Seremban last Sunday, in what I can now label as my 'old junk'. Yup, my small car is more than a decade old, sun-faded and has been through and been to quite a lot. Have wheels, can travel-bah ! Some people say - Seremban? Nothing to see one!  I beg to differ. There is always something to see for those who can find the beauty in every experience. So, here I am at the Seremban Cultural Arts Centre (also state museum) looking and behaving very much like a tourist. Laughably clicking away at the phone camera at every this-one-is-good-for-memories opportunity! There were several travel reviews that gave this place...

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