Jul 30, 2016

20 Bloom Where You Are Planted

A garden stone decorative item on my shelf has these words on it ~ Bloom where God plants you . Wherever we are, whether we like it or not, do our best because that makes our character. And sometimes, we will be rewarded in ways we cannot imagine. I find life much sweeter this way. It is exciting too; an adventure of sorts when things aren't going the way I dreamed it would but turned out beautifully in the end. Rather than be upset at what life throws at us, swim with it and do it innovatively. I'm saying that I would get on an inflatable unicorn floater or snorkel my way through instead of drifting sorrowfully.  Some see weeds. I...

Jul 27, 2016

18 The AINO Warehouse Sale, I'm Done With Gift Shopping!

Would you believe that I'm done with Christmas gift shopping already? It all happened when I popped into AINO's warehouse sale at Desa ParkCity over a month back. I love going into this home furnishing store. It is my place of happy. They sell exquisite kitchen and tableware at reasonable prices. The bright red ads they had placed strategically along several roads were effective in getting my attention. Hubs and I made our way to the warehouse sale that was organised in an open carpark This mandoline was going for RM30. I'd been eyeing for one the longest time; it had always been too expensive ranging from RM80 to as high as RM300. This is...

Jul 23, 2016

14 Spring Cleaning - Stuff Happens!

The plan was to redecorate the bedroom, but this has gone on to become a major spring-cleaning exercise that includes the store room. Stuff happens when you're doing so many things at one go. I accidentally snapped the drawer bottom into half. It felt like my heartbeat dropped for a moment as I stared at the broken piece in tiny panic. The feeling washed over; I'm planing to tape it up and am keeping my fingers crossed that it can at least hold up lingerie. What do you think? Can she-hulk, that's me, save this? Broken Drawer Bottom It was part of a 3-drawer cabinet that I had purchased from IKEA many years ago. IKEA Drawer Cabinet The...

Jul 20, 2016

14 Die-lor, I'm At Daiso ..And I Bought More Than Vacuum Seal Bags

Die-lor, I'm at Daiso. This means an excitable me and a bout of over-spending. All the items are priced at RM5.30 making it one of the best stores to shop for presents and household items for the budget-conscious. I was here to get some storage bags, the vacuum seal kind. Spring cleaning is the new exercise. I always feel good after a major one and I'm midway through the bedroom. It needs to be revamped, the walls painted, curtains changed, cabinets re-organised and so forth. I've been washing all sorts of things from soft toys to old pillows the past couple of weeks. Four bags of used items have been donated away. I'm always surprised by the...

Jul 14, 2016

20 In A Village Far, Far Away ..

 ....lived this girl (me), her family and the relatives. It was a world of greenery and beaches. Then, she moved to the concrete jungle of the city. The fairy tale faded away leading to a life akin to those you read in chick lits. Anyway, I was back in my hometown for some two weeks just before Raya. The one thing I love doing at the kampung (village) I grew up in is to take pictures of trees and plants around the compound. I don't know if it's true but it is said that seeing greenery improves our eyesight. So feast your eyes on this. Coconut, mango, rambutan, jackfruit - these are some of the trees that are grown here. There used to...

Jul 11, 2016

22 Dragon City Bak Kut Teh, Kepong

Bah Kut Teh (BKT), a delicious pork soup cooked for hours in Chinese herbs and spices, is the stuff that warms the body and makes you feel good on a chilly day. It is my comfort food and I have been having lots of it lately. My husband knows of my love affair with BKT. If it's mentioned as a lunch 'suggestion', it will most likely be our meal of the day. I'm grinning as I type this.   We popped into a BKT restaurant in Kepong impromptu one evening. Besides BKT, we ordered a soy sauce pork belly claypot dish, lettuce greens and chinese crullers. The yummy food: Bak Kut Teh I was wearing a bright yellow tee. Coincidentally, yellow...

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