Oct 17, 2016

21 Projek57 : A Movement Of Hope

Have you heard of it? I didn't until this Merdeka Day (Malaysia Independence Day) when I joined a 'Raise The Flag' giveaway organised by Cebion Malaysia and was blessed with cool t-shirts for me and four of my friends. I was ecstatic. Projek57 - A Movement Of Hope A little curiosity and googling told me these weren't just any t-shirts. It was part of an initiative aimed at reminding Malaysians about the principles of 1957, the year Malaya achieved independence - Progressiveness, Unity, Tolerance, Diversity. A Movement of Hope founded by two guys who wanted to remind Malaysians how amazing our country was and can be if we worked together....

Oct 12, 2016

22 Eat Out : Salon Du Chocolat, Publika

My aunt was in KL for her medical review at GH. It's a half yearly thing. This was more than a month back, and I was tasked to find a place to 'lepak' (hang out). Salon Du Chocolat popped into my radar whilst I was googling for yummy food in Publika. I knew it'd be the perfect place to bring my aunt and cousin since it was something none of us had tried before - waffles covered in smooth, creamy chocolate sauce drizzled on with a beautiful design. These were the items we ordered. The stick waffle arrived first. One of the cheapest items on the menu. Waffle Stick The half moon waffle was absolutely gorgeous. We scooped every bit off the...

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