Apr 27, 2017

20 The Beefanator

Char kueh teow (fried flat rice noodles), wat tan hor, chee cheong fun  and the likes - that's our kind of food. It's rare that we step into a fast food restaurant like Wendy's, but when we did, Hubs went all out with a takeaway of two RM25 sets of Beefanators. What's that?  A beefanator - the ultimate meat burger with two beef patties, chicken strips and cheese slices. No greens except for a side of coleslaw was included. It was packed with a drink and an additional side dish of our own choice - we chose chilli con carne.The unveiling of the takeaway in the comfort of home: Wendy's Malaysia - Beefanator Do I hear OMGs? I read...

Apr 25, 2017

18 The BedRoom Gets A Paint Job

You'd think that after so much painting done over the years, I'd be a pro at it. But ... no major improvement here. I think it's because I just enjoy getting it done. The feel of rolling the brush up and down with the radio on is therapeutic. The crooked paint lines along the wall corners? It's no skin off my back. Sharon Paints The Bedroom My standard reply for anyone spotting these flaws are - "It's artistic, an expression of myself and how I view life." Lol. Life is meant to be lived ..and lived happily. There are things we should fuss over, there are things we should let go and let be. " Life is like a blank canvas. It's up to you...

Apr 21, 2017

16 Ayam Brand™ Sardines On Savoury Crackers

Savoury crackers are my go-to teatime snack. If I'm glued to a book, I would have it plain or simply slathered with kaya; I love the sweet-salty combination. When I'm entertaining friends at home however, I make a little more effort with an easy topping like the one below -- mashed sardines; its flavour balanced out with the crunch of chilled zucchini, the hint of spiciness from a bird's eye chilli and the vibrant taste of fresh dill. Ayam Brand™ Sardines On Savoury Crackers This is easy and quick to make. There's no cooking involved. That's right - no need to pull out that frying pan. Do I hear yays? Here's how I made these lovely treats.Ayam...

Apr 18, 2017

21 How Ayam Brand™ Came Into My Life

Through mom, of course. She swears by it and now, we do too. Ayam Brand™ has been around for more than a century and has helped many working mothers like my mom put a decent meal on the table after a long day at the office. In our household, Ayam Brand™ Sardines are a regular on our marketing list. Come to think of it, never in my life have I not seen it in our kitchen cabinet. Never. It was always there for the taking. Mom's favourite way of cooking sardines is with curry. She taught me how to whip up a mean version when I was in my early teens. I have often wondered where she learned the recipe considering we didn't have the internet back...

Apr 15, 2017

16 I Scream For Magnum Red Velvet Ice Cream

I told you how Magnum ice cream puts me in a place of wonderful. I also told you how competitive my family is when it comes to new releases.   Magnum Red Velvet It is no joke. When Magnum released the red velvet edition , I knew I had to get my hands on it and quickly, before the rest of the family does. So I made my way to the mini market, rummaged through the ice cream display freezer for the best looking wrapper and paid for it with a wide, smug grin on my face as I imagined my cousin crying out, " No fair ..! " and my relatives drooling enviously. Magnum Red Velvet Packaging As excited as I was, I still waited until the next...

Apr 11, 2017

14 Cheng Beng : It's Tomb-Sweeping Day

Cheng Beng aka Tomb-Sweeping Day is still largely practiced by Malaysians of Chinese descent. We were in Penang the weekend before, Hubs to carry out his filial duty and me to take photographs of the event to be shared in a private online album that holds our fondest memories as a family. It's our way of connecting to relatives living far away. Cleaning The Grave on Tomb-Sweeping Day The rainy weather made it a 6-hour drive from Kuala Lumpur to the island. A Saturday. I'm happy we didn't have to deal with exhaustive traffic jams too - the flow was pretty good. We stopped at several RnRs along the North-South Expressway to stretch our legs...

Apr 4, 2017

0 Ayam Brand™ Celebrates 125 Years of Being Part of Malaysian Families

Ayam Brand™ Celebrates 125 Years of Being Part of Malaysian Families Shah Alam, February, 2017 – Ayam Brand™ is celebrating 125 years of being part of the South East Asian region, and especially Malaysia. The brand announced the theme of ‘We Care, We Are Family’ to mark its quasquicentennial milestone. Established in 1892, Ayam Brand™ is easily recognized by its rooster or ‘Ayam’ logo. It is one of the oldest continuously produced consumer brands in Asia with offices in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Australia, China, France and Japan and is available in more than 30 countries, worldwide. Today, Ayam Brand™ produces over 60...

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