Feb 24, 2008

0 Penang Bridge

This is the view of the Penang Bridge, as we were leaving for KL early Sunday morning, the 4th day of Chinese New Year.The bridge wasn't what I used to remember. My last trip down was probably 10 years ago but I recall being able to view the vast expense of the sea and land. It was amazing..The view is now blocked, with higher walls and road dividers built....pity...and there's some construction going on.But this view that we took was simply breathtaking.....

Feb 23, 2008

0 Candy blown into shape!

Penang - That's where I spent my Chinese New Year this year, all 9 days of it. And it was this time that I chanced upon a Chinese artist in Gurney Plaza..not just any artist, but a candy blowing artist. He blows sticky gooey candy into any shape you want. How? He rolls it into a circle, starts blowing into it, shaping one part into a tube. And then begins the tranformation with his deft hands, blowing again into the tube when necessary to keep the candy puffed up. I thought that this would be the perfect gift for each of my colleagues and so, I set my mind into getting a few before I headed back to KL. In the meantime, I bought one for myself...

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