Jan 21, 2014

9 Through the blue skies I soar ...

...with the help of an aeroplane..zooOOmm! Auto-Awesomed by Google+ It wasn't snowing, of course. I was still in sunny Malaysia. When I uploaded this photo onto my blog, it was auto-awesomed by Google+ (a feature that does cool things to your photos). Home is a two-hour+ flight away. Lucky me was blessed with the window seat. The view is always amazing up here. Imagine seeing fluffy clouds this close!  I snapped some pics because I wanted to remember the feeling. It looks like a blanket of snow Above fluffy clouds How nice if I could fly....winged like the bird. Nah..wingless like Superma...

Jan 17, 2014

10 Port Dickson : Grand Lexis Resort - A "stay-indoors" holiday!

Aaahhh..reflect and relax 2014's been fabulous so far. People are back in the office with a renewed spirit. School has started with a traffic vengeance. The weather is gloomy but I'm still in that season of festivity. That's because we have many Capricorns in the family. Mom, dad, aunt, cousin... me. Hah! See how many Birthdays we're celebrating. We also make a big-do about Chinese New Year. So, for us, the party never really ends until February. After that, it's many months of serious business. Anyway, all this frequent traveling and meeting up with friends and family has not allowed me to blog as often as I wished but hey, I found time...

Jan 7, 2014

11 Putrajaya : The Bridges I saw

Putrajaya ~ Malaysia's federal administrative centre is a beautiful place to visit. I often imagine picnicking on the grassy grounds beside the lake, munching on sandwiches, sipping tea from a thermos....  It would sadden me if Putrajaya fell into the standards of eyesore Kuala Lumpur. A lot of love has been put into the landscaping of this new city of ours, with trees and flowers lining many paths. I would move here if I weren't tied to the convenience of doing business in our old, established capital city. Picnics aside, I also find Putrajaya magical because of its majestic bridges. It is said that the Seri Wawasan  bridge (picture...

Jan 2, 2014

5 Happy 2014!

A great start to the year. I skipped the street countdown parties again. I passed over the clubs, the obnoxious spray can hooligans, the manic dinners. Instead I spent the night with people closest to me. We watched the fireworks. At the stroke of midnight, flares of colourful lights danced in many corners. You see, I live way up. Above, my neighbour lit his own firework - small rockets shooting out, challenging the sight before us. The little popping sounds struggling to make a Katy Perry mark. We felt for him. We cheered with sparkling red wine, gourmet popcorn on top of vanilla ice-cream, mince pies and .....satay in the wee hours. Cheers...

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