Aug 29, 2014

12 Ooo... Burnt Some Lanterns!

The Mid-Autumn Festival is also commonly referred to as "Mooncake Day" where I come from. On this day, my aunts gather families for a meal. We eat mooncakes, play lanterns and chat. The festival falls on the 8th of September this year. Sharon's Fish Lantern for Mooncake Day 2014! Mooncakes come in amazing variety these days - sugar free, cranberry, chocolate, coffee, durian! The only mooncake flavour I ever saw or tasted in my younger days were the ones with red bean or lotus seed paste filling. Some had an egg yolk in the center, some didn't. Talking about the festival takes me back to my first year in college. I was left alone in the...

Aug 22, 2014

14 The Progress Of My Cili Padi Plant

Friday is usually equated to being a fabulous day because it means the weekend is almost here. Well, I think there's something beautiful in every day. Happy Friday, everyone! This post is about my chilli plant aka the bird's eye chilli. I'm not known for having green fingers but I do try my best ..... annnd I feel like I'm getting somewhere! I water my plants religiously. I fertilise it regularly and clean off mealybugs whenever I see it. Some died, some are survivors. I'm beginning to understand what plants are suitable for the scorching afternoon sun that shines ever so brightly into my apartment. This chilli seed (pictured below) was...

Aug 14, 2014

12 Yoga Pants - Women Love It!

In my previous post, I shared a chat I had with yoga beginner, Bernadette Harry, who gave us some tips on starting out. Regular practice and a good support group is key. Bernadette Harry in a yoga pose If you're one of those women who were inspired enough by the post to start on a yoga regimen, then the first thing you should ideally do is to get proper attire. As you can see in the picture on the right, besides having a good top, a great pair of pants which allows for free movement is also essential. This post is really all about the pants and why women love yoga pants! 3 REASONS WOMEN LOVE YOGA PANTS Versatility. Some may...

Aug 13, 2014

10 A Chat With A Yoga Beginner

Bernadette Harry's a natural at yoga. Looking through her Facebook photos, anyone could have mistakenly believed that she'd been doing this for years. She's on a self-taught journey that really began only months ago. I decided to interview my sister-in-law (yep, we're family!) to find out what drives her passion for yoga. How did you get hooked on yoga? I started yoga after seeing one of my friends doing it. She kept posting her yoga photos plus her progress on Facebook. From there, I was motivated to give it a try. To be honest, I began with no idea how to do yoga. I had no basic training and until today, have never joined any yoga...

Aug 9, 2014

10 My WWE Night

When I heard news that WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) would be performing live in Kuala Lumpur this October, I was brought back to a particular unforgettable life moment. It was known as WWF (World Wrestling Federation) in the old days. I was no wrestling noob, thanks to dad who owned a video store then. I spent my teen years watching countless WWF shows. In 2002, many Malaysians were ecstatic when WWF announced that they were coming over to our corner of the world. My machoguy, who's also a big fan, got us a pair of tickets. It was a long drive to the venue. "Ling, got enough petrol?" I began after noticing that the dial was on low. "More...

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