Dec 22, 2017

22 The Newbie View : Mercedes-Benz E350e

Let me just start by saying that I am not a car enthusiast nor do I know much about the technical aspects of one. Other than occasionally watching Formula One races on TV, the automotive industry is something that I do not have a strong interest in. Simply put, I get that a car is a means of transport for me and you to get around. I also come with the driving expertise of an average Joe or some of you might conclude, the average senior citizen, if you have ever been my passenger. But here I am at Hap Seng Star, surprised that I didn't fall asleep the moment I walked in. No, it was pretty interesting listening to Hubs and the car salesman discuss...

Dec 18, 2017

17 Taman Megah Night Market

December. Aah, the busiest month but I love it! Friends, family, food, fun, all the fond memories that come with - I like F words, don't you? Anyway, it was the cause of me leaving my blog unattended for awhile. Life happened! Today, it being a quiet me-day, I decided to crank up the computer and tell the world that I finally had the opportunity to pop into Taman Megah's Sunday night market. It was a buzz of activity at 4.00PM with food vendors putting their tents up, arranging trays of goodies onto the table and cooking from their makeshift stoves. Taman Megah Night Market I met this wonderful lady who made the yummiest red velvet and...

Dec 7, 2017

16 Eats : Laksaamana, Yan Woh Tong at IPC Foodland

Most of the shops at IPC Mall had closed their shutters for several months to make way for major upgrading works. I was excited when I heard that the food court on the lower ground had reopened. It is quite happening now with more restaurants added to the mix. The newness of the place is a breath of fresh air. Hubs and I decided to eat here before making our way to the cinema to watch Justice League. Has anyone here watched the movie? I thought it was awesome - that slow motion scene of Flash with the look of horror on his face when he realised Superman was on to him was oh-so-comical. I laughed and laughed! Anyway, back to the food court at...

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