Mar 11, 2020

14 It's A Long Story

It's a long story ..or not. I can write about my adventures in several posts to show you why I  had disappeared from blogosphere for more than a year, but the short of it is simply that I have been occupied with life offline and didn't feel a need to hurry back.

There were a few months spent on home renovation. I had Airbnb-ed in 7 or 8 different apartments during that time. It was a year without a pc with an internet connection and the this and that.

A simple reach out by an old blogger friend, however, made me realise how much I miss my online journal. To read back on my adventures, to reconnect with old blog friends ..oh, the many interesting stories of theirs I have missed!

After Renovation

I have to find my password, I told Cindyrina as much. She had contacted me out of the blue and was the one who got me excited to revive my blog again (Thank you!). Not in these words at all but to make it interesting,

"Eh, you want to try something new or not?"
"Wantttt .. but my blog is deadleh. So shylah"

It seemed I didn't really need the blog but tadaaa, here we are! I decided that it was a good excuse to get going again.

Before Renovation


  1. Welcome back, Sharon :-) The kitchen looks really cool!

    1. Thank you, Angie. It's good to be back ^.^

  2. Welcome back Sharon! Been missing you and the blogsphere seem silent after Shirley from luxuryheaven also retire from writing. Hope you share more of your stories too!

    1. I have missed you too, Emily! xx Yes, Shirley definitely left a gap in blogosphere .. it seems quieter.

  3. Welcome back Sharon. Miss your writing and adventure. I love your new kitchen. I like to have such kitchen myself but space constraint.

    1. I have missed your stories too, Rose. I feel you. I had to donate away a few of my favourite furniture to make space ..*arghh..pain*

  4. Hi Sharon, welcome back!
    Your new space looking great.

    1. So much easier to clean too, Ez ..haha! I love that my housecleaning chores are less :P

  5. Welcome back, Sharon. Miss you. Looking forward to your updates.

  6. Wah!!! Your excuses of a home makeover and renovations caused you to disappear for so long! You were not tearing the walls and floors but paid someone to do it. lolol 😂😂
    I must say your home looks beautiful and luxurious now. Can I come to sleepover?

    Welcome back to blogging. You probably heard from Small Kucing that I was hunting high and low at your blog.

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Hahahaha... partly true laaa !! I didn't bring my pc along and even when my home was done, I didn't rush to set my unifi up. Also my ancient pc is still in the box today collecting dust, TM. Windows XP. I'm using the office laptop right now.

  7. Welcome back! I end up make you comes out to blog again. Very busy businesswoman Sharon.


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