Jan 27, 2006

1 A New Home, A New Beginning

After a year, we're (Daevid and I) still renovating our new home. We moved in last Dec 05, bought the unit in Dec 04. It's sheer bliss having our own place to thrash.Bright orange and yellow, those are the colours of our apartment because I love cheery colours and typically, I've grown sunflowers in my mini garden which is located at the balcony.Bathroom wallls are orange too. I've green plants everywhere. I've this vision that my home should be full of live greenery. Perhaps I may even buy a CD that plays nature's sound for a more realistic feel. I, I, I ..Daevid doesn't seem to mind.We started out by designing the home for a Balinese feel....

Jan 17, 2006

2 CNY Resolutions

I tried. I really tried. Blogging just comes effortlessly to some people but I could be staring at the screen for donkey hours wondering what's there to talk about.Maybe I should just convert this to my online diary. Merc and Winn are always trying to encourage me. They must see some potential in me becoming a world class blogger, otherwise, they won't be encouraging me so much. I love them.So to give them some hope, I've decided to make it my CNY resolution to blog................ more than I did last year ! I did what? 3 or 4? That shouldn't be hard to achieve.My next resolution would be to diet. Typical, you say? Nay..Doctor's orders. No prawns,...

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