Oct 22, 2007

0 The Magic is Lost

My partner has always been a fan of Copperfield. So when he heard that his idol was coming down, he was thrilled.One fine day, my Mr Gung Ho called me at the office and said, “Ling, I book you 31st oredi. I have bought tickets for David Copperfield..muahahahahaha!!”.I was dazed and amused at the same time. Dazed, because we had an exhibition to prepare for the next day. I was downright busy. Amused, because I could feel the child-like excitement emanating from my partner.And then it happened – FBI probe, Sexual misconduct, Copperfield may not be coming after all!!Don’t be too sad Darling – we can still make it for the Black Eyed Peas concert…kekekekeke...

Oct 11, 2007

0 On my own with "The Seeker"

It was one of those days when I'm left alone to do whatever I want ...and I love starting the day by catching the earliest movie. So off I went to Cineleisure to see if I could make it for Brave Story. Unfortunately, the earliest time slot for that was 1.00pm..*yawn*. So I decided to go for The Seeker instead. Then I called my partner because I felt that I had to report in - see...we have sort of a 'thing' between us about watching movies without each other. The last time I watched Superman on my own, I ended up catching the movie twice on the same day when my partner gave me that sad, sad puppy look when he found out that I'd watched it once...

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