Aug 28, 2013

4 Fraser's Hill ~ A place to chill

I did a bit of domestic traveling. My Raya holidays was spent gallivanting from one tourist attraction to another. Fraser's Hill was one of the places I visited on a day trip out of Kuala Lumpur. It's just two hours away.. we were told. Took us almost three hours because we made a small stop to stretch our legs. The winding uphill road is no place for a Formula One race. It is also unfriendly to those likely to suffer from motion sickness. I'm so glad I went prepared. Fraser's Hill The hill was named after Scottish tin prospector, Louis James Fraser. This was in the early 1920s after his mysterious disappearance. Makes for a nice...

Aug 22, 2013

4 Dale, Lake Fields (Sungai Besi)

Dale at Lake Fields. The name itself stretches my imagination. A fairly spacious 3-storey terrace house with a lake nearby gives me illusions that I'll be having lots of evening strolls with the sunset behind me...even though the lake is technically wayYYyy over there and I may not even walk that far. Dale at Lakefields I love the double volume concept and overall design. It's beautiful. Hardly original though. I once felt that it was unique but after seeing a number of houses with the same old, same old, I begin to wonder if housing developers are sinking into this mire of commonness. It's not a big deal but I always wish for something...

Aug 19, 2013

4 The Penang Tan

Arghhh!!! Sun!! There lies the tan. A beautiful curve across her foot, designed by the opening on her red-grey sneaker sandals.  This is the feet of my traveling friend. You could say that Penang left its mark on us. Oh, don't laugh. We would have applied some suntan lotion if we knew four days could do this much. ..and I add, it wasn't a beach holiday. Tsk, excuses. Truth is, we don't look at tans in the same light as before, not anymore. We've gone from sun-loving people to UV rays concerned individuals. That's not being entirely honest either. We've just been greatly influenced by those 'whitening' advertisements. We try to...

Aug 18, 2013

2 Penang : More on street art

I took lots of photos, of course...couldn't resist. Street art is the in-thing here, mostly murals and steel sculptures. There's so much creativity going on that I feel their passion. If there's one thing I do not regret, it is walking along the streets of Lebuh Armenian and nearby...even under the scorching sun. I was wow-ed by some sort of artwork every corner! I noticed several tourists carrying umbrellas to shield from the heat. I was amazed. Haha me. I had no time and no opportunity to hold one. My hands were glued to my camera the entire walkabout. Feast your eyes on some of the photos I took. Beautiful, isn't it? Ernest Zacharevic...

Aug 14, 2013

2 When in Penang - Walk, Feel, Eat

Jen and I decided to spend our nights in hotels near areas where we wanted to visit most. It was a brilliant move. We didn't have to depend on public transport and the hassle that came with.  Going on foot opened our eyes and hearts to many things that could have easily slipped by us had we been going around by car. There is history in just about every corner of Penang! To drive is to miss these hidden treasures. Sightseeing, to me, isn't just about rushing to cover a place for the sake of ticking it off the must-do list. It's about taking the time to experience new things, it's about bringing "Dora the explorer" alive in us....and most...

Aug 2, 2013

4 Guess where we're headed ..

Jen and I off on an adventure They call it the Pearl of the Orient. I call it "paradise". Officially, it is known as Pulau Pinang or Penang. Jen and I are backpacking it this time around but not without the little luxuries. You could say we're the Luxury Backpacking Duo. Oh, don't snigger. It begins with paying for premium tickets on a comfortable double decker coach - Aeroline. For me, taking the coach is so much easier than flying. Be there twenty minutes before, climb on board and you're on your way. All for RM60! No hassle, no waiting. Below is a picture of our amazing coach. Looks romantic, doesn't it? Normal ticket holders sit...

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