Jan 15, 2018

20 Eats : New Year Lunch At TGI Fridays, The Curve

It was a slow moving New Year's day for us. We had returned home late from a countdown party. No one was keen to leave the warmth of blankets and the heavenly feel of a soft mattress that early. I pulled myself out of our cosy bed, reluctantly greeting the late morning sun and checked on my pigeons. Then I sent everyone New Year greetings and switched the TV on, lying comfortably on the sofa as I pondered on life. Haa..kidding. I was too much in a state of inner peace to be thinking about anything other than Lets-Not-Do-Anything-Today. There was a tingle of newness in the air as though I'd stepped into another life. It was already late afternoon...

Jan 11, 2018

19 Eats : Steam King Seafood Restaurant, Kota Damansara

Eleven days into 2018 and it's full steam ahead workwise until the next holidays for many people. But that doesn't mean the festivities is over, at least not in my case. It doesn't help that my Birthday falls in January and that Chinese New Year is looming. Anyway, Hubs and I celebrated with a delicious meal at Steam King Seafood Restaurant. It has a typical Chinese eatery ambiance with tables draped in red tablecloth and chairs wrapped in bright yellow covers. Hubs and I were their first customers that evening and we had the place to ourselves. The chef had just arrived. We ordered one of their best dishes which is Seafood Beancurd Curry....

Jan 5, 2018

18 A December To Remember

Out of all the months in the year, December is most magical for me. Peace, joy, love, all these words sum up the general atmosphere. People seem happier - school is out, holidays are in. This means lots of family gatherings and meeting up with friends. I hung greeting cards we received on our Christmas tree this year. It's a nice feeling, this warmth that creeps up on me every time I look at it. The holiday season was not as hectic for me this round. I was most efficient having spring-cleaned my home in November and getting all the decorations up. I'd also gotten the presents wrapped and sent out! Christmas Tree My aunt and cousin flew...

Jan 1, 2018

12 Heralding The New Year With Music And Fireworks

Happy 2018 my wonderful friends,I wish you a year filled with joyous moments, And if you're hit with life's twists and bends,I wish you strength and perseverance.May you be blessed with all things good,May your days be warmed by love and kindness,Let no negative situation ruin your mood, Do what you need to find your happiness. Release the chains of hurt and regret,Live a life of adventure and cheer,Remember these wise words - forgive and forget, It is the secret to feeling better. 💝Happy New Year!  ~ Sharon D. Ten, nine, eight ...one, boom! Fireworks lit the sky. I stood rooted to the quiet spot, mesmerised by the flowery display...

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