Jun 29, 2011

0 A Fool And His Money Are Soon Parted

There's no green-eyed monster here, only a free-gift monster you could not admire. She's gullible,  she stocks up on kitchen collectibles because experience tells her that "they're never going to reproduce this design again!" and is green enough to believe that offers mentioned on sales ads are real bargains. If the marketing guys are looking for someone who'll fawn over their lame (not) sales gimmick, I'm that person, the semi-old lady who's easily attracted to free stuff, be it of use or not. It's free-lah, what more you...

Jun 25, 2011

7 Ice Cream with Toast Bread Pieces and Fruit

Ice cream with toast bread is the bomb for me. The easiest treat I've ever made and I'm not talking about slapping a scoop of ice cream onto a piece of square bread piece. That would be too easy.. hmmph! THIS is more like it.. Adding drama to a simple treat Ingredients: - Vanilla ice cream - Toasted bread (cut into bite size pieces) - Fresh or canned fruits of your choice (Canned oranges for me) Todo: 1. Scoop some ice cream into your favourite glass 2. Place toast pieces and fruits over it 3. Top with more ice cream I use Vanilla ice cream because I love natural colours in my food and white compliments...

Jun 23, 2011

4 Fratini's Restaurant @ Labuan Island

Not a dime in a dozen (shhhHh.. its probably the only Italian restaurant here)  - That's Fratini's Restaurant. "HungryYyyEee not, you?" That's how my aunt and I typically converse with each other..in a slew of kampung English with the highs and lows of the pitch in the wrong place. We had both skipped lunch after a huge breakfast and we thought of braving through until dinner. Alas, by late afternoon, we could not stomach the noise of disapproval emanating from the spare tyre around our waistline (do we still have that?..a waistline I mean). The idea was to go out and grab some light snacks for tea,...

Jun 21, 2011

2 Balik Kampung, A Fruitful Visit

Home is where the green is. The ladies in my family were born with the green thumb. I am the exception. While they (the Aunts and mom) compare gardening notes, I'll be fiddling with my fingers wondering where the green genes went...and I figure I have the answer. I, was the sperm that carried, largely, my father's characteristics. Anyway, my aunt expressed a desire to cook pineapple curry for our little dinner do that night. So off to the garden we went to get a fresh haul of the fruit. As I held the parang (machete) for the first time in ten years, I felt liberated from the societal...

Jun 18, 2011

4 Me and You char kway (Chinese cruller)

My favourite treat - Fresh off the wok "you char kway", richly slathered with melted butter and kaya. Lightly salted fried bread stick - buttered and jammed It was one of the things I missed most when I left for the big city a decade back. I had assumed in my simple mind that it would be a readily available snack all over Kuala Lumpur. I mean, who hasn't eaten 'you char kway' with kaya and butter, right? .. right?  After visiting a couple of stalls, however, I came to the conclusion that city folks don't appreciate the finer things in 'you char kways'. "No..no kaya,butter!" was...

Jun 13, 2011

2 Magical Musicals Gala Premiere @ Sunway Lagoon - 10th June 2011

Mesmerising, that's how I would describe this latest initiative from Sunway Lagoon. The effort they put into creating a stage that could carry this musical over ordinary standards is certainly commendable. Malaysia Boleh!  "Huh? Where did that come from?.." Getting in, however, was a sore point with me. We were made to go through three long queues! Humidity levels were high outside the theatre. As the hour dragged on, I became drenched in sweat. The agonising wait was obviously irritable to the tired faces that stared before the backs of many in the unmoving line. This led...

Jun 9, 2011

2 THE-licious Soto Daging (Beef Noodle Soup) @ Labuan

"With great company, comes great food." No doubt about that. I was recently in Labuan for a holiday. Much merrymaking and feasting leaves me drugged in relaxation and in a state of paradise. Could I have found heaven? .. The islanders are a simple lot, you'll hear "ayes" of approval in many conversations. While gossip thrives, as is typical of a small town, words of skepticism and discouragement are rarely spoken. You can depend on them for a fun day out in the sun. I can't help but wonder if city folks are getting a worse bargain for all the hype that surrounds a more affluent...

Jun 8, 2011

2 Forget, I cannot!

Let go, let go, let go Easier said, that is so Make light not another’s grief You steal joy, you uncaring thief! Years of sorrow The feeling cannot just GO..! It sits in the subconscious Waiting to strike, it is merciless.. One is never really over it 'Those' memories are easily lit A familiarity, a significance once shared, It brings back moments once had If the mind be a futuristic tech phenomenon ‘Esc’ pain, ‘Save’ love, ‘Delete’ burden The heart would be lighter Life, simpler. ~ Sharon D. @ 8 Jun 2...

Jun 7, 2011

0 The Sunday Driver

How? When? What? Who? Where?! ..Oh, Jalan Kuching.. Well, that settles it then. I'll never qualify for a job as a reporter. The mysterious Sunday cra...

Jun 6, 2011

0 Colmar Tropicale @ Berjaya Hills

Colmar Tropicale is a French themed village located just 45 minutes out of Kuala Lumpur. The cobbled street and medieval style buildings give a rustic feel to the place. Cool dewy air, fresh flowers and green grass, the grace of swans, all add to the charm of this small man-made romantic wonder. My fourth trip up (a lunch affair) and I'm still in love with the serenity it brings to my state of thoughts. The only thing that mars my dreamy escapade is the fun fair booths they've erected hither and yon, similar to those found in i-City. I'm all for tourism...

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