Festive themes are my favourite. I put in the effort because of my love for variety. It is the spice of life, they say.
Christmas Eve arrived. I stoked myself up to surprise everyone with a warm hearty meal. On the menu? Fried rice...*pause*, baked chicken and pumpkin soup.
When food was served, it became an affair for the paparazzis at home, including me. Clicking and clicking away on my little digital camera until the food was no longer piping hot. Well, that's a silly thing to do..
The table is set
Christmas, Asian style!
Baked 4 chicken drumsticks with tomatoes and potatoes
A special dish for Aunt Em
The day ends...
Dec 30, 2011
Dec 24, 2011
3 They have a HOME?
Citizens of the lessWhat do they possessCertainly not a prestigious address!Some become squattersOthers are low-cost apartment dwellersThose on the streets? They’re homeless beggarsWe’ll give you a 100% loanWe, the Government, we listen to your moanThe poor?…. They groanExpensive apartments are constructedMillion dollar bungalows are mootedWhat’s there for the lower income bracket?“Material costs are high!” Developers cryTheir crocodile tears never dryHome is where the heart isBut how can it be this?Broken lifts, cramped conditions and graffitis..
~ Sharon D. @ 24 December 2...
Dec 23, 2011
6 A night with Martin Yan, courtesy of a friend
Martin Yan brought True Passion to our shores recently. A night at Mandarin Oriental Hotel, with wine from Jacob's Creek. How did I get in? Through Meri, who's currently holding the good luck charm. She won an entry to the exclusive event from a contest organised by AFC channel.
Chef Martin Yan - he's not drunk. That's just my camera.
Wine's always been a drink that I associate with the words "acquired taste". It isn't something that would easily storm my taste buds into awe, like Coke or Ice Lemon Tea.
This dinner event was certainly an eye-opener, wine-wise. My enthusiasm for it heightens with each passing day, particularly Jacob's Creek's...
Food - Eateries n Misc
Dec 8, 2011
2 Marché Restaurant and Lin
Lin buzzed me on Facebook.
"Hey, I wanna go to that market place you wanted to bring me"
And this was like for the hundredth time. I had promised to take Lin there but every time the opportunity came up, we'd already stuffed ourselves full from a heavy breakfast or from some in-between snacking. Typical of both of us. We enjoy good food with a dose of hometown gossip.
We finally made it to Marché after what seemed like ages.
"Eh, have you ever eaten snails?" Lin asked, not really caring for an answer.
A wave of trepidation washed over me as I answered her with a cautious no. But there she was, nicely piling the bowl up, making sure...
Food - Eateries n Misc
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