Mar 31, 2012

4 Lion Girl supports Earth Hour

I have an account with which I haven't used in ages. Today, creative juices were flowing like rivers in torrential rain. ..I cannot draw for the life of me.. It IS Earth Hour day. Back home, we used to say "Terer or not?" when we're very impressed with our work. Terrer, meaning terribly impressive.  So ............ terer or not? Inspired by Lion Girl at http://theliongirl.blogspot.c...

Mar 30, 2012

0 Buzzworthy Sri Ananda Bahwan, Tanjung Bungah

I haven't been so excited for Indian cuisine until Sri Ananda Bahwan, a restaurant located in Tg. Bungah, Penang, just opposite Flamingo Hotel. My taste buds have been severely dulled by the less exciting mamak fare found in KL from the likes of Bestari, Pelita and so forth. Hence, my decision to relocate to Penang. Just kidding. If you could retire anywhere in the world, where would you go? I'm always governed by my stomach. So I guess where good food is. Aiyorr, that's lame. Sri Ananda Bahwan has a nice cosy set-up, perfect for overstaying and long conversations plus that game of monopoly. The food isn't terribly overpriced although it's...

Mar 23, 2012

3 Still growing up

Inane activities of two friends who have yet to master the gentility of womanhood. I'm on the brink of my forties and still, I struggle to attain this "refinement" that's been etched in my mind since young. Mom's always insisting that I put on lipstick whenever I leave the house...that I dress up for guests. Any show of real emotion is held in check to maintain a certain ladylike-ness. I've become more laid back since I left home and I'm really comfortable with it. I guess there are seasons in my life. Be this Summer since life is more colourful now and I am easily lulled into excitement over the most silliest things. Child-like curiosity..I...

Mar 10, 2012

2 She's somewhere I cannot go

Here lies an angel 1 March 2012 - Aunt Em left us quietly, in the wee hours of the morning unbeknownst to her beloved husband sleeping beside her. I left my Uncle a message hours before as I did every week since she left for home. They were words of encouragement. I knew things were hard on him. He never stopped trying, he never stopped believing. It was our mantra. Aunt Em was never alone in her fight against cancer. Mom woke me with a phone call at 7.00am to relay the news. I was calm. I knew before she said it. Mayhaps I was in a state of disbelief. A couple of hours later, my heart rallied between quiet acceptance and anger over the...

Mar 9, 2012

4 The Calamity of Calories, Mat Salai delivers

For some of us, it's clearly reflected in the spare tyre around our belly and if I'm not careful, mine will be reaching the diameter of a four-wheel drive. Aaah, where is my resolve. Defeated by a greasy burger, a hundred times tastier than the average Mc D's.... a hundred times tastier...    Somewhere around Desa Sri Hartamas is Mat Salai, a local initiative, selling burgers in a small kiosk.  I thought I'd give it a try, so here it is. One bite affirmed my initial saliva-drooling thought that it could only taste heavenly, but when was the last time I ever really complained about anything I ate anyway. Sigh.. The packaging...

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