Jun 25, 2013

8 Living In Smog - Kuala Lumpur

Spring, summer, autumn, winter. Where I live, it's summer all year and smog in between. The haze is nothing new. It's something that doesn't get resolved either. Mostly an annual finger-pointing affair and brisk sales for respirator mask vendors. Read: Haze from Indonesia continues to shroud Malaysia Before the haze, I was looking at the most beautiful sky and spent my evenings appreciating glorious sunsets. Taken early June Then, it happened. Smoky air started to blanket our homes. I kept my doors and windows shut. I had the air con on. It seemed to help. Weeks later I stayed indoors. It's the only place I feel I can breathe freely....

Jun 19, 2013

2 Sixth Sense - A Sense of Pride

Genie Wong (Singer) - A member of Sixth Sense They made the cut....to play in the Penang Island Jazz Festival's fringe events which is happening this December! There's always this little burst of pride whenever I hear news of people doing great things back in my hometown. We have no real celebrities to speak of. Dreams are often put away for a steady clerical job. The unambitious old folks feel that money in the pocket for a house and a car is what living is all about . Anything else seeming to add colour to mundane life is of little importance. Calling it a "sleepy town" is apt. Occasionally, someone breaks out of the mould. I'm talking...

Jun 11, 2013

6 The Coke Monster Lurks Inside

Simple pleasures. A reflection. There's something scary in there ..... besides the sugar content, I mean! I see it. Two beady eyes staring back at me. Do you see it? The coke monster is peeking at you ... whoooOoooOOoo Amusing. Slurrppp...ah...

Jun 8, 2013

0 A Shadow Of Me

The sun was blazing hot. I have no idea why I was even standing out there snapping photos of my shadow. I remember squinting my eyes and going : By golly, I'm going to get sunburnt! A toasted Sharon with honey brown skin.... -- Drink and be merry! SlurPppPp..there goes my chrysanthemum tea. A box drink in hand He went THAT way! Really, he did! Pointing left I'm not moving from this spot! Steadfast Peace! My favourite sign! Peace..I'm holding a shopping ba...

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