May 28, 2014

18 Growing Edibles, Gardening Jargon

The first seed of parsley, cili padi (bird's eye chili) and coriander was tenderly stuck into soil months ago. I blogged about it here. Coriander never saw the light of day.... I'm just being funny, but I am devastated that nothing came out of those seeds because it happens to be my favourite herb. I use bunches of it! I decided I could wait no longer and planted vegetables over the same patch. It's not that I've given up hope. I am a great believer of miracles, having watch a ton of Disney cartoons. I have faith that one day in between green foliage of pak choy, a coriander sprout will burst out of the ground and thrive like the rainforest...

May 20, 2014

8 The Internet Bookworm

Have you ever wondered if anyone reads your blog for real? I don't mean just popping in for a comment. I almost always do. Maybe it's because I have time on my hands. Maybe I'm an internet bookworm. Who knows. I used to read into the wee hours of the morning. There was this unexplainable need to finish the book against good judgement. Perhaps the bags under my eyes are not tied to my genes after all. It could be a result of countless late nights dedicated by a drive to know 'what happened next' in the story. As I grew older, my interest dimmed. I was tired from work, gym and I got caught up with being a zesty 20-something. This is good tired....

May 14, 2014

14 Putrajaya : Sightseeing

Millennium Monument The Millennium Monument is an interesting structure. It is the first national monument to be built in Putrajaya. Some of the things that make this place special: - Our former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir, buried a time capsule at the base of this tower. It will be unearthed in year 2020. - The structure is designed to look like Malaysia's national flower, the hibiscus, when viewed from the top. - It acts like a lighthouse at night. Sweeping light across the area, it serves as a guide for cruise boats as well. - The glass panel along the railing is engraved with a little of our history. Putra Mosque Putra...

May 7, 2014

22 Instant Kampua Mee from Sibu!

This is it, Kampua Mee. Not just any kampua mee but 'the' one from Sibu. I first heard about Kampua Mee from Rose of Rose' World, who mentioned it on her blog. It looked so good that I was itching for a taste. The other reason? I just love trying out new stuff. Anyone can walk up to me and say that something's not delicious, but it will never thwart my plans to try it for myself. For me, taste is a personal thing. Some will like it, some will not. Anyway, back to this delightful kampua mee which Rose was kind enough to send over so that I could have a taste. Thank you, Rose! ;) Bang, bang, bang! The postman knocked loudly on my door late...

May 5, 2014

16 On Chocolate Malt and Packers Best

I get the feeling that people are proud to be associated with coffee. It is almost always mentioned everywhere and it sounds classy. No one ever says, "Chocolate malt or tea?". I've watched enough shows with that overworked line, "Here's your coffee, Hun,"  followed with a scene of the husband rushing off to work. Oh, the banality of it all. I'm a chocolate malt kinda girl. It's what I need to start my morning and what I have before bedtime. If I were a character in a book, I would probably sound uncool. She stepped out onto the verandah with a steaming cup of chocolate malt in hand.   She winced at the chocolate malt stain on...

May 2, 2014

12 Penang - The Reclining Buddha at Wat Chaiyamangalaram

Wat Chaiyamangalaram houses one of the largest reclining Buddhas in the world. Several sources on the web (I am unable to verify the accuracy) state that this Thai Buddhist temple was constructed in 1900. It sealed itself as one of Penang's most visited places when the reclining Buddha was built in the late 1960s. Although this marks as my second visit, I found it as interesting as before. Left to my own devices with like-minded friend in tow, it's easy to be in high spirits. I was only a child when I first visited the place and often referred to the statue as 'The Sleeping Buddha'. Jen and I made our way to the temple armed with a simple...

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