Oct 31, 2015

10 Haze, Haze, Stay Away!

Three days ago, my Facebook newsfeed was filled with pictures of beautiful skies over Kuala Lumpur. I was engrossed with work and my eyes were glued to the PC. I hadn't noticed that the haze had cleared until a ray of sunlight crept up to my face. I looked away from my screen, disturbed by the warm light, only to be greeted with a clear view of apartment buildings nearby, blue skies and vibrant greenery . This was the moment I'd been waiting for and clearly, I wasn't the only one who'd grabbed her camera that day to treasure the miracle in pictures. We have been stuck with the haze for so long that fresh air seemed a rare thing to experience....

Oct 27, 2015

12 An Interest In Comping

Besides blogging, my other love is comping. I'm casual where both are concerned, as in not leaning to doing it so frequently that it consumes my days. For me, these are great ways to exercise the mind and a good way of spending my internet time. Comping..the practice of entering competitions, especially those promoting consumer products.~ Google definition Participating is a wonderful way to show support for a brand we like. I do it also in appreciation of the people who took the time to organise contests, which is no easy task considering there's a lot to do behind the scenes. It's not possible to reward every fan, of course. Therefore,...

Oct 24, 2015

20 A Sunday At Port Dickson

It's a picnic! Picnics were a big part of my childhood life on Labuan island where I was born. As I sat, looking out into the night sky, on the garden bench in my balcony, and began reminiscing about the good 'ol days, I realised that in my fifteen years of living in the city, I've only ever been to a picnic ..once. That's just sad, I thought to myself. So, in a moment of I've-got-to-right-this-situation-pronto!, I approached the husband with an idea of going to the beach in the morning. He looked at me as though I'd gone bonkers, but humoured me with a yes just the same after I seduced him with a steaming cup of chocolate malt drink. And...

Oct 20, 2015

20 Dapao : Pork Leg Mee Hoon Soup, My Thai Cuisine

I've made it a habit to cook dinner every day, except on Sundays. My other half and I would gallivant the town in search of food, things to do and places to visit on this non-cooking day. You could say it's our 'us' time. We stumbled upon this pork leg mee hoon (rice vermicelli) soup stall whilst looking for a chicken rice vendor, in an area that is listed on Wikimapia as 'Kawasan Lapang' along Batu 3, Jalan Ipoh. Don't laugh now. I have just edited the map to include this newly discovered food stall for your convenience! A little about this dapao (takeaway) gem. The pork broth is flavourful, evidence that it has been on the stove for hours....

Oct 16, 2015

8 On Keeping Mum ..s

I've been waiting for these yellow mums to bloom for close to eight months. In the beginning, I pinched away the unopened buds because they were dying off on the stems. I stopped doing it when it didn't seem to end - one bud after another! Exhausting, I say. Earlier in the week however, I was excited to see some yellow petals peeking out. A good sign, I thought! But four-five days in, it stayed selfishly in a cocoon shape. As I stared at the buds again this morning, I frowned at this little buddy which seemed to be giving me the finger. Gasp! Yellow Mums Well, I am not perturbed! I will continue to wait patiently. Just living is not...

Oct 13, 2015

20 Dapao : Ilham Nasi Kukus, Mutiara Damansara

It was boasted on the flyer - Sambal belacan yang 'hot & kicking' pasti akan membuat anda berpeluh! (Chilli so spicy that you will surely sweat!) That's precisely how it went down with me as I tucked into my nasi kukus (steamed rice) that came packed with a large piece of spiced fried chicken, pineapple and anchovies on the side. My rice was flooded with plain curry gravy and a shrimp paste chilli condiment that had quite a bit of seeds in it.   Nasi Kukus with Pineapple and Anchovies Besides RM6, this nasi kukus adventure cost me many tissues and several sips of chilled water. I would have thrown in the towel had it not tasted...

Oct 6, 2015

17 Blackmores Collagen - High Strength!

Life begins at 4 ...no. Life begins the moment I step out of bed, everyday! I choose to embrace every stage of my existence in this world! That's my mantra. ;) Have you got one? As I progress into middle-age, several words have seen fit to meddle with my mind and magnify themselves - brown spots, crow's feet, fine lines, supplements, sugar-free, cholesterol-free, low-fat, low-sodium, anti-aging, collagen, firming, moisturising! I could go on. Eyeing the hand cream that is lying in my IKEA weaved basket, I rub at my dry skin and walk over in a huff, telling myself, "It's good for me!". I began applying the cream. That's how I am with beauty...

Oct 2, 2015

8 Visiting SPCA, Selangor (The New Eco-Animal Shelter)

A friend asked for a ride to SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), to get her cats neutered. I readily agreed because I was excited to see the new facility! To get an idea what the old SPCA looks like and what the plans for the RM3mil eco-animal shelter are, click here and here. I gathered from a couple of news portals that the new facility is expected to house 450 animals, about a hundred more than it could before. It has been open for public visits since July, but is clearly still a work-in-progress. SPCA is well known for helping abused and abandoned furry friends, and they are always striving to go further. Their new...

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