Aug 31, 2010

0 For my home, Malaysia

It pains me to see our beloved country being ruined by radicals. That doesn't mean that I love it any less. I'm just not loving the extremists! I put up the flag not for them but for the love of my country and the good men in it. So cheers to our forefathers who fought for this country. Without them, there would be no Malaysia. Cheers to democracy for we have elected new governments in several states and made a stand that the People of Malaysia will not bow down to political shenanigans and corrupt leaders. Cheers to families who still practice "open house" during festivals, to...

Aug 28, 2010

0 Put your HEART in it

Malaysia's National Day is round the corner..and there's something for every mood. Where, oh where will my heart take me? Would I like to delve into a deeper meaning, in quiet solitude:  Galeria Sri Perdana Nationalism & Patriotism Exhibition – Aliya & Farouk Khan Collection - Ends 30 Sep 2010 Muzium Negara Pameran Wira Tak Dicanang (Unsung Heroes) -  Ends 19 Sep 2010 Do I wish to join my fellow patriots to reenact the days of yore with chants of "Merdeka! Merdeka!" Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil National day parade and marchpast - 31 Aug 10, 7am to 9.30am Attend a Merdeka Eve...

Aug 25, 2010

0 New Zealand Natural Ice Cream - As uplifting as it gets

Nothing thrills me more than ice-cream, I kid you not. It's perfect for high temperatures, perfect with waffles, biscuits and bread, perfect as shake and the perfect cure for any bad day. I finally utilised the voucher I received from New Zealand Natural for my participation in their Father's Day contest on facebook.  The voucher was for 1 take-home pack of NZ Natural ice cream. It was memorable to me because I got to talk about my Dad, whom I adore. He's often inspired me to take the straight and narrow path. New Zealand Natural outlets are nil in existence where...

Aug 24, 2010

0 Jen's Big Day...the Birthday

The move into middle age...we embrace it with much gusto. Sadly, so does our middle. One for the album Cute gift box from Daiso, The Curve (RM5 for a set of 2) Good conversations are meant to tickle Earrings from Diva It was Sunday and we had no plans. Jen's Birthday was looming, so an impromptu decision was made to celebrate her Birthday. You never know what might crop up as the date draws near - work deadlines, family commitments, company trips..better early than late, I say. We landed ourselves in Canton-i, 1 Utama because of the ambience and our preference for Oriental fare. Although cramped for...

Aug 22, 2010

0 Repo Men

The Repo-Man gets repo-ed. Storyline's pretty interesting. An organisation called The Union sells artificial body parts (liver, heart, eyes etc) on instalment plans. Those who are overdue in payments get their bodies ripped apart by Repo-Men working for The Union. This is how they repossess their goods.  To cut it short, Repo-Man Remy (Jude Law) gets an artificial heart after an accident and what goes round comes round. He goes on the run. Spoiler alert:  The climax is a pretty gory affair, with Remy cutting into his own flesh, then digging into his...

Aug 12, 2010

0 The Last Airbender

A case of so-so acting and cheesy lines - That's all I have to say about the movie :) While the movie itself did not make a lasting impression on me, the free pair of passes I got, did. On it was printed, "FREE SEATING". In this country, that's never a good sign. Trust me. It started off well with a queue outside the cinema halls, but once they released the ribbon to let us in, the chaos began. We had people racing up the stairs with kids and all. Two sweet old ladies shoved us aside and made a run for it. You'd think there was a gold rush or something. The more decent ones continued their...

Aug 10, 2010

0 A Simple Solution

"Red alert!" It was the only two words that registered in my mind when I heard that MIL was coming down to KL for a holiday - We were the hosts.  Where I once felt that home was safe with a little dust hidden behind the furniture and deep corners, I now had the urge and the urgency to reach for the unreachable. I scoured my cabinet. The weapons of choice - a vacuum cleaner, a mop, scouring pad, broom, floor cleaner and VIM ... loads! Months of serious inactivity led to muscle aches as I scrubbed and cleaned every nook and cranny, and moved the furniture. The results were spectacular...

Aug 9, 2010

0 Orianthi - The Concert

Orianthi - You should kick yourself if you missed her live performance at KL Life Centre recently, 4th August to be exact.  An accomplished Guitarist with a string of famous names (Michael Jackson, Santana, Prince, Carrie Underwood and more) to her profile, she shows us she's earned success with good ol hard work and unmistakeable talent. Wiki says so. She owned the stage with great vocals and easily passed the "down-to-earth" test with good crowd interaction. I was blown away by her guitar play - one hand? She's hotter than my sambal for sure. Here's a short clip of her performance...

Aug 6, 2010

0 Durian for Dinner

Mao Shan King Durians @ Musang King recently made the news when Macau Tycoon, Stanley Ho, sent his jet to pick up no less than 88 durians from Singapore. Impressive. I had no jet, so I sent my lil car to Hartamas to get these delectable durians myself. It cost me.. Was it worth it? Tender, CREAMY, meaty...I lick my fingers, satisfied...

Aug 4, 2010

0 Tickets to Orianthi, Kuala Lumpur

Here I was, wayYyy past the commonly acceptable age to go ga-ga over young singers, rushing to collect a pair of tickets to Orianthi's concert. Carmen (From Universal Music) desperately tried to reach me by phone since Friday. I was in the shower both times! I returned her call of course, but the voicemail wouldn't let me through. It was a trivial pursuit I could do without. Patience paid off Monday morning :)...

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