Buying a home costs a bomb these days and I blame it on ill-informed buyers or investors who fork out an obscene amount of money to buy sub-standard properties all because they can. I blame it on banks who approve long term loans for huge amounts for the average Malaysian, who can ill-afford to purchase that decent house or car.
They're putting many ordinary Malaysians into huge debts and they're doing no favours for the future generation.
Without serious intervention from right-minded people, it's likely that Malaysia will be a haven for low cost quarters because that's going...
Oct 30, 2010
Oct 29, 2010
0 Family and Friends - How can I not love you?

I'm really happy today, and it's not because I won another contest. Funnily, my usually low-key Facebook friends and family members stepped up to congratulate me openly today.
People make mistakes all the time and I did just that with a less than perfect slogan....I willingly gave the prize up and that was that. Well..I thought that was that!
And then it started, the comments slowly trickled in..congratulatory messages and heartfelt support...awww.. I ♥ these guys. They didn't have to, but they did and they even turned a blind eye.
I know that should I ever fall..and...
Thinking Allowed
Oct 27, 2010
2 We're all takers..
How very true....Just a line off a movie I recently watched, "Takers". Reminded me how we all love to take more than we give.
Anyway, this movie's about a group of professional bank robbers, betrayed by their fellow member, Ghost (Rapper T.I.), who had just been released from jail. It turns out that Ghost had only revenge in mind when he convinced the gang to take up a "job" with millions at stake. Why was he mad? They bailed on him when he was caught by the police and his girl got engaged to one of the other members.
An interesting plot and it could've been a great movie, but I...
Oct 21, 2010
0 Adam Lambert - The glamour and the clamour
At the end of the concert, I was sure I lost some of my hearing. That's what you get when Adam Lambert's 10,000 strong Malaysian fans scream in euphoria.
Peace, was when he sang an acoustic version of "Whataya want from me". The crowd sang along and I felt as though we were all falling under a magical spell from the doe eyed looks I could see on everyone's faces.
It was a good crowd with a mix of all ages. No worries about being the old lady trying to fit into the young fold, like some of the concerts I've been to.
As the stadium fills
Digi balloons being bounced about
Seeing his...
Oct 16, 2010
0 Adam Lambert Rock Zone Tickets, but did we rock it? best friend bought us tickets to Adam Lambert's Glam Nation concert in Stadium Putra. He knew how much I wanted to see Adam sing live. Most of the tickets were sold out, so he had to make do.
The ticket counters:
It's all sold out, ma'am. How bout these way back here?
What I didn't expect was a phone call from Mix FM the day before the concert, "Hi, Congratulations! You've won 2 Rock Zone tickets to Adam Lambert's concert tomorrow!", a warm and friendly voice said to me. I was hard pressed to refuse. So I said, " Reaaallly?!! Thank you! Thank you so much, William!". The contest? Click here.
I gave...
0 Adam Lambert GlamNation Tour Malaysia 2010
It was the day of the concert - 14th October 2010
A queue hours before the concert!
Booths to keep fans happy
A&W's a popular choice
All glammed up - think she won meet n greet passes. Lucky girl!
What's this?
Look! Up in the sky!
Police has arrived, no thanks to the Protesters
Satu Police! Membanteras jenaya...
Oct 11, 2010
0 Look Out Point, Ampang
We just felt like doing a bit of sightseeing, so we headed out to Look Out Point, Ampang one fine afternnon. The weather was fairly gloomy throughout our journey, but bless the sky for not sending heavy rain down upon us. Alleluia!
Location was an easy find thanks to the very detailed description they left on the website. A note of caution though, the last couple of kilometres leading to Look Out Point is a winding road and I have my doubts about it being brightly lit at night, as is common for most roads out of the main hub of the city.
There are carparks located up the hill...
Oct 8, 2010
0 I can cook - Black Chicken Herbal Soup

You betcha..but I'm not one for complicated methods, nor do I cook by the book. My love for the slow cooker is absolute. It cooks for hours, without much intervention on my part.
Black Chicken Herbal Soup in da house!
Throw all the ingredients in and wait
Smell the aroma wafting in your kitchen
A bit of garnishing and ole!
The recipe? You can throw in whatever you like - tomatoes, mushroom, etc.
- Black chicken (whole)
- Large onions (quartered)
- Cabbage (sliced)
- Baby carrots (whole)
- Goji berries
- Salt n Pepper to taste (feel free to experiment)
- Water (enough to fill the pot)
Throw ALL...
Oct 1, 2010
0 A Twitter account!
Yes, that's right - I finally signed up for a twitter account @snoringsheep to see what the buzz was about. Wasn't as user-friendly as I thought. It took me a couple of hours to figure out why my background wasn't updating to the one I selected.
You're looking at someone who isn't into a lot of techy stuff and IT mumbo jumbo.The only thing I'm crazy about in the tech world is Dilbert...
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