Feb 28, 2011

0 When online farming takes over

A typical conversation with mom. "I've got a special tree, I'm gonna post it now. Go grab it." "Could you harvest my crops?" "Please send me Special Delivery boxes, I don't like mystery gifts!" "Strawberry pigs are worth a lot, you know." "Aww..this sucks. My farm won't load!" "Did you see the french cottage in my farm? It's lovely, I love it," Mom said. "No Mom, I couldn't find it," a confused me replied. "Right at the corner," she insisted. "Err....ohhhHh, I think I see it...the roof at least," I smiled. I sure miss those simple 'how-are-you' da...

Feb 24, 2011

0 A colourful bug comes a-calling...it's got to live somewhere!

Uhuh...I know why you're here. You've just lost your home to development. Land clearing - There goes the only green lung in our neighbourhood So you decided to check out my lil balcony garden I'm sorry for your loss, y'know. I guess no aid will be coming for you guys....

Feb 21, 2011

0 When the tornado hit my potato chips...

I chanced upon a healthier version of potato chips in Cold Storage, Solaris a couple of weeks ago and it was a hit amongst my health conscious friends. I'd only bought one then. So yesterday when I was shopping in Cold Storage, Berjaya Times Square, I bought a couple more of these seaweed potato chips. Brought it home and.. Can't wait to dig in It's healthy y'all What the...? I've heard about the "Storm in a teacup", but this is the first time I'm seeing the "Aftermath of a storm in the potato chips". Utter devastati...

Feb 19, 2011

0 16 Sierra, Puchong

Land scarcity, these  words are here to stay (no reversal for this one, is there?). A gated community is the "in" thing these days, no thanks to many horror stories of house break-ins. The buyers preference of living amongst gardens and beautiful landscaping pushes Developers to build with not just security in mind, but with a green concept in tow. No doubt a project that requires more land spread.  I personally find living between concrete highrises and traffic deadlocks unattractive. It is only the lack of choice that pushes us so far. So if poor me wants...

Feb 17, 2011

0 Happy Chap Goh May ..come and gone

How time flies, the final day of the Lunar Year period is already upon us. It's been a flurry of activities and I'm going to miss the family camaraderie, the customs, the festive food and beautiful decorations. We had our reunion and tossed the yee sang for prosperity, as is customary on the eve of every Lunar New Year, in our family. Prosperity, Abundance, Fortune..probably the most overused words these couple of weeks. Though not a bad thing, it's getting a lil unoriginal. But who cares, right? Well wishes are well wishes, no matter how it's worded. So.. "Kong Hee Fatt Choy.. Here's me wishing you joy...

Feb 13, 2011

0 No Happy Valentine's Day for you cos I'm not celebrating it

"Why celebrate Valentine's Day? Everyday should be Valentine's Day!" If you haven't heard this line to death already, I applaud you, for I am simply flabbergasted with these people and their sense of reasoning. If everyday's a Valentine's Day, then there's really no reason for you not to celebrate it on this day either, is there? I personally do not know anyone who's really lived up to these words, yet it is so easily spoken. It's almost akin to saying "Don't celebrate Mothers Day. She should be loved all year round". Does celebrating on a particular day automatically mean we love someone less on other days? Obvious answer. I...

Feb 12, 2011

0 The Bacon Bakkwa beckons

Like a fly to unhygenic places, that's where I went to find my favourite snack, the bakkwa, a dried BBQ meat usually made of pork or chicken. And what better time to do this than the Lunar New Year when the air of festivity is high and you find flimsy stalls sprouting up like mushrooms all over town, selling mandarin oranges, bakkwa, meat floss, pomelos and what not. I know that bakkwa is sold all year round in shops which mass produce this in a cleaner environment, but where's the spirit of exploration, eh? I tire of the "same old same old" from these professionals. So I scoured the...

Feb 10, 2011

0 You just know when someone's still in the holiday mood..

And this happened in Public Bank, Solaris.. We took a number, waited for the Customer Service Officer who, by the way, was not attending to anyone. Rather, she was chatting away with another officer, while typing on her PC.  We were about four, five numbers away from our turn. Strangely, there were no other customers around. The queue number remain unchanged for quite sometime. After a fairly long wait, we walked to the teller counter to enquire on the delay. The minute the officer saw her Supervisor approaching us, the queue numbers on the electronic board kept going until...

Feb 7, 2011

0 Sri Ayutthaya, Wangsa Maju (Pre-New Year)

ArgGHhhhh!!...A procrastinator's favourite expression.  Only a day left before Jo takes a flight down to our hometown.  I had to see her, to pass the "ang paos" (red packets) I had prepared for the singletons in our clan. She would be my messenger since I wasn't going home for the Reunion Dinner. We had arranged to meet at Wangsa Maju LRT after office hours, but my poor sense of direction made it impossible. I gave her a call and we settled on somewhere near Wangsa Walk instead.  It was also getting late and I hadn't eaten. Hunger led me to Sri Ayutthaya, a fancy...

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