May 30, 2012

0 Stop Looking At Me Like I'm a Criminal...

Monday, my 3rd day in Midvalley. I should be getting a medal for this. I stepped into the newly designed Carrefour hypermarket to shop for some stuff for the household. It was impressive. The floors were shiny, the aisles were spacious. I like the whole modern concept except for the arrangement of the shelving units. There were no shortcuts to the grocery supermarket area. It was a long u-turn down. I was generally fine with the idea (maybe it's one of those so-called things called marketing strategy) until I was informed by the cashier that I couldn't pay for my box of plasters at her counter. She didn't look too pleased about it. Here, I...

May 23, 2012

2 There she goes..

I hang on to things until they go kaput. It's what my mother does and the practice has been passed on. You just don't throw out old things for something new when the old one's not broke. So I hung on to my trusty old oven although the timer was off by miles and the heat was uneven. I use a kitchen timer to keep track. If I missed the bell, then there goes everything that's in as charcoal it will be! There was no chance of that happening though. I was glued nearby the whole time. It's just me. I like seeing how things flourish in the oven. Is that normal behavior amongst baking enthusiasts?It was a matter and time before it gave way...

May 13, 2012

0 The Misinformation of Fried Popiah (Spring Roll)

The Taman Tun Pasar pasar malam (night market) is a haven for food enthusiasts. I was there last week and just fell in love with this fried popiah. Shame on this Malaysian for having never tried it before! I admit that I had my reservations. It was piled high in one of the stalls and looked like the unhealthiest food my eyes had ever set upon. But it went into my bag anyway because I felt like trying something new. Wisdom, wherefore art thou? I was misled, visually, into believing that it would taste of burnt oil. You must think me mad to have purchased it at all...but it was really beautiful to look at. I guess that played a big part in motivating...

May 8, 2012

0 Sapphire at Bandar Kinrara 8 (BK8)

Newly completed 2-storey terraces going from RM800k onwards. No better on the affordability issue and the uncomfortable feeling that it isn't what it's worth penny-wise ...but, that's just my personal opinion. I love the concept. The surroundings are neat and the area, a serene view of landed properties. There are no highrise apartments to spoil the congeniality of the neighbourhood. I hope it remains that way because there's undeveloped land on the borders of this new double-storey terrace community. The last thing this place needs is an apartment building to congest the skyline. The facade is pleasing to the eye. The wooden pieces give an...

May 7, 2012

0 I am for unity, not uniformity ..

Birds of a feather flock together. It is my least favourite quote, a grim reminder of racism and extremism, even if it's never used in this context. People of the same kind flock together. Those who differ...well, you know.  These are thoughts of an idle mind. It would be folly for anyone to read on. If 1Malaysia had to be defined by a murder of crows, there would be no need for the tourism board to advertise us to the world as a multicultural society. A whole race of of sameness, much like the crows. That seems to be what cries of 1Malaysia mean today. Unity, not uniformity, is my understanding of the slogan but there are instances when...

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