Dec 30, 2011

4 A Christmas Eve Special

Festive themes are my favourite. I put in the effort because of my love for variety. It is the spice of life, they say. Christmas Eve arrived. I stoked myself up to surprise everyone with a warm hearty meal. On the menu? Fried rice...*pause*, baked chicken and pumpkin soup. When food was served, it became an affair for the paparazzis at home, including me. Clicking and clicking away on my little digital camera until the food was no longer piping hot. Well, that's a silly thing to do.. The table is set Christmas, Asian style! Baked 4 chicken drumsticks with tomatoes and potatoes A special dish for Aunt Em The day ends...

Dec 24, 2011

3 They have a HOME?

Citizens of  the lessWhat do  they possessCertainly not a prestigious address!Some become squattersOthers are low-cost apartment dwellersThose on the streets? They’re homeless beggarsWe’ll give you a 100% loanWe, the Government, we listen to your moanThe poor?…. They groanExpensive apartments are constructedMillion dollar bungalows are mootedWhat’s there for the lower income bracket?“Material costs are high!” Developers cryTheir crocodile tears never dryHome is where the heart isBut how can it be this?Broken lifts, cramped conditions and graffitis.. ~ Sharon D. @ 24 December 2...

Dec 23, 2011

6 A night with Martin Yan, courtesy of a friend

Martin Yan brought True Passion to our shores recently. A night at Mandarin Oriental Hotel, with wine from Jacob's Creek. How did I get in? Through Meri, who's currently holding the good luck charm. She won an entry to the exclusive event from a contest organised by AFC channel. Chef Martin Yan - he's not drunk. That's just my camera. Wine's always been a drink that I associate with the words "acquired taste". It isn't something that would easily storm my taste buds into awe, like Coke or Ice Lemon Tea. This dinner event was certainly an eye-opener, wine-wise. My enthusiasm for it heightens with each passing day, particularly Jacob's Creek's...

Dec 8, 2011

2 Marché Restaurant and Lin

Lin buzzed me on Facebook. "Hey, I wanna go to that market place you wanted to bring me" And this was like for the hundredth time. I had promised to take Lin there but every time the opportunity came up, we'd already stuffed ourselves full from a heavy breakfast or from some in-between snacking. Typical of both of us. We enjoy good food with a dose of hometown gossip. We finally made it to Marché after what seemed like ages.  "Eh, have you ever eaten snails?" Lin asked, not really caring for an answer. A wave of trepidation washed over me as I answered her with a cautious no. But there she was, nicely piling the bowl up, making sure...

Nov 24, 2011

0 StART FM (Flea Market) Charity Bazaar

Meri's always passionate when sharing about her experiences in Bentong Farm Sanctuary. I've never been there but the animated expression of her face and voice excited me enough to find out more.She showed me photos which spoke of that lovin' feeling. What they do is amazing. It's a place where animals can truly call "home", a no-kill sanctuary. Dogs, goats, cows, ducks and many other animals roam free. Their medical needs and food are taken care of. They get lots of TLC from the keeper and volunteers of the farm. A stream where you can dip your toes in, green trees which dance to the call of the wind, hilly paths with furry friends. That's...

Nov 20, 2011

0 The stars shine on Seri Pilmoor, Ara Damansara

Beyond my means, but not beyond jaw-dropping admiration. The year is almost at an end. I'm still scouting for that perfect home. I believe I've found it many times and would have signed on the dot if it weren't so costly. The price tag on these properties are downright illogical these days, especially in mediocre salaried Malaysia. I would not stretch the Ringgit in present conditions. Seri Pilmoor is built on one of the last vestiges of freehold land, located in the highly sought after address that is Petaling Jaya. It's one of the most exciting places I've been to. Lin drove us to Ara Damansara in search of this hidden jewel. She's my BFF,...

Nov 13, 2011

0 Stir Fried Beef - Venturing into Vegemite

"Eh, this one also can-lar", I convinced my Unc with gusto. It was hard to ignore, the I'm-ready-for-something-new look on my lightly made-up face, accompanied with a grin. We were supposed to get Marmite for Aunt Em, but I thought we should expand her food variety a little. That's how I landed myself with a whole jar of Vegemite ...uhuh, Aunt Em didn't like it one bit. No doubt producers of Marmite would thrill over this news - Vegemite, not so mite-y after all. Vegemite It dawned on me that I was holding a jar of something I myself had never tried in my life. At first glance, it looked like rat glue. I wasn't ecstatic about the scent...

Nov 11, 2011

0 A new friend - White Snake's concert

A blessing. Meri offered us a pair of White Snake concert tickets which she'd won in a contest. I've never met Meri in person before, but we clicked on Facebook and have had countless humorous conversations. She was like the rainbow that cheers the world up after gloomy weather. We met for the first time that day, 30th October 2011. Let it be written. I had an awesome time at White Snake's concert. The crowd was noticeably older. A comfortable feeling washed over me. No shrieking teens and unruly behaviour. It was more proper but no less energetic. Everything was just peachy and then it had to happen. The occasional stench wafted up our...

Nov 10, 2011

2 Aunt Aggie drops in to sprinkle some sunshine

A surprise visit! Aunt Aggie flew down. I'm thrilled. She's planned a secret Birthday party for Hubs and sent me a card with a private message ages ago, warning me of her impending arrival. That was a hint to arrange the party. I've been too busy, of course. Aunt Em has been hospitalised again and this time, indefinitely. The time just went and things were done impromptu. On one of the days, I took Aunt Aggie out to sight-see. We plopped ourselves onto a comfortable chair in Papparich after a long shopping session in Ikea. We didn't buy much. We just love looking at "stuff". Ikea products intrigue us. It was the land of imagination where homes...

Nov 3, 2011

0 When..

Two months pass. The bed has been her closest friend, providing comfort none of us could give. Comfort that is detrimental to her well-being. Her muscles are weakening from the lack of activity. Aunt Em's in the hospital again. She had been reluctant to leave the house for so long, but was forced to when she could no longer withstand the pain that has been plaguing her in the wee hours of the morning. The lack of sleep was disrupting her mood and appetite. She cries silently in the chill of the night and prays fervently for a miracle. I am powerless to help her. I spout words of encouragement but it seems hollow when it is so easily spoken...

Oct 18, 2011

3 Papaya Fest - Baked Fish and an Ice-Blended Smoothie

"Whoaa..that's one big papaya!" The papaya, eaten over many days Two days went by. The papaya sits on my kitchen table, untouched by human hands (eeww..I saw a baby cockroach making itself at home on the skin of the papaya). I am glad this fruit does not have the traits of the annoying orange. I would have been driven to chop it to pieces immediately and gulp it all down. It bodes ill for my expanding waistline. I am, of course, talking nonsense. I was only moved to do something about the papaya when it started to rot (you lazy bum!). Waste not, mom would have advised if she were here. So I baked it (Just knew I couldn't stay away from...

Oct 12, 2011

0 The Attractions - Felda Residence Hot Springs, Sungkai

I heart this place. See? Err...and all that's in it .. ? Hot water fountains? Sssssmokin'! Man-made I wouldn't test the waters if I were you Mmm..where does this bridge lead to? An escape route There are warning signs along the way. It's a river of natural HOT water and there are spots where it bubbles..danger, danger Stay safe, stay on the bridge Stop here for a natural sauna experience Off the bridge! Picnic tables! Tap water in the great outdoors Tree planting is encouraged Mmm.. I'm hungry. Boiled eggs, anyone? Haaa?! No more eggs!! Whose eggs are these? May I have it, pretty please? There...

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