Sep 5, 2020

3 Durian Ice Cream (The Shortcut)

A couple of months ago, we bought a tub of Durian ice cream to try. 'Made with Real Durian' was printed on the label. We enjoyed it thoroughly and bought another tub soon after.Then I thought to myself, "Why not buy durian and make our own.."So I suggested to Hubs that we get some durian and mix that into a tub of vanilla ice cream. That way, we can flavour it with as much durian as we like. It turned out to be the perfect combination. Ice Cream with Real DurianWe popped by Hartamas to visit our favourite durian seller, deciding that Musang King was really an unnecessary choice as we enjoy most durians regardless of variety. Now, just to...

Aug 1, 2020

6 A Shopping We Will Go With Wheeled Grocery Bags

I started carrying cloth recycle bags with me the year the No Plastic Bag campaign began in our state. I was not immediately prepared for it but enough 20sen encounters on Saturdays made me decide that enough was enough. Now, there are always at least three to four  in my handbag because you never know when the shopping bug hits, or if  an accompanying relative needs one. For marketing, we have accumulated five large hand carry recycle bags over the years. I dread the weeks we had to stock up on on shower gels, laundry detergent, bottled sauces, cooking oil and the sort - heavy stuff to carry! Hence, the decision to get a shopping...

Jul 23, 2020

8 Pudding In A Jiff

Pour hot water, stir .. eh, all done? That's how easy it is to make this pudding. Quicku Pudding Honeydew Flavour I was skeptical about liking it at first. If it's too easy, it makes me suspicious, lol. Like facing off a get-rich-quick scheme. Aah, how the mind wanders. This is nothing like that, of course. We're talking about an instant dessert sold in supermarkets at a cheap price. I grabbed a box to try after a friend recommended it on our cooking group. Served with a mix of fruits, this pudding was quite a hit with my husband. "Mmm ..nice! " Quicku Pudding Anything convenient is always welcome into my kitchen. I have a list of...

Jul 10, 2020

9 An UnpIanned Hair Cut

News of several established companies either closing down or having to lay off employees has pushed many of us to help one another where we can. This is the Malaysia I love ❤ , quick to lend a hand and understanding. Friends are forwarding messages of this home business and that private seafood seller. I try my best to spread the word and occasionally, I make a purchase too. Two Sundays ago, I had my hair trimmed at EQ Hair Cut although I had vowed not to go to a hairdresser until we had hit zero Covid-19 cases for a week or so at least, lol. EQ Hair Cut is run by an affable chap I had met a sometime ago at a quick cut salon in another mall....

Apr 30, 2020

10 Stay At Home, Go Out Responsibly

Thank you, Malaysian Frontliners and #stayathome  ~ This was the message that was lit on a couple of buildings along Jalan Kuching some weeks ago. What a lovely sight to drink teh tarik to in the quiet of night. Stay At Home, Kuala Lumpur As I scrolled through photos which I had snapped on my phone before the Movement Control Order (MCO), my thoughts centered around covid-19, the virus that has caused many to lose their loved ones and quarantined the rest of us at home. There was the denial stage, then a little bit of paranoia and now a sense of 'hey, we've got this'. Our numbers are decent thanks to many responsible Malaysians who...

Apr 15, 2020

14 Ah Peck Is Going To Be Alright

December 2019 | When I first saw Pecky, he was splayed on the floor in the midst of being stomped to death by the larger birds. In concern, I rushed to shoo them away! Ah Peck looked so miserable, as though he had lost his spirit to live. I lifted the little guy up carefully and placed him into our pigeon house where he would be safe. I wasn't sure if he would survive the day. It was heartbreaking to see such a sweet little thing suffer so much. I spent the next hour coaxing Peck to have a sip of water. He refused my countless attempts but soon gave in. After that, it was easy getting him to drink - a light stroke on the head and he would take...

Apr 1, 2020

8 The Popcorn Adventure!

"There's nothing to do." When we were young, we used to play lots of indoor games with our parents, friends and relatives. From monopoly, scrabble, carrom, cards, snooker to musical chairs. It was fun and full of memorable moments. Today, locked away in our home due to a restriction movement order, our attitude has not changed much when it comes to doing things together with our loved one/s. We always have something to do, and  here we are, hubs and I making popcorn for the first time. BBQ Flavoured Popcorn This RM2.50 container of popcorn has been sitting in my food cabinet for sometime. We were nervous the first few minutes it went...

Mar 25, 2020

10 Om Mani Padme Hum

A rhythmic chant that places my being into a state of calm - Om Mani Padme Hum. I had first heard it playing over the radio in a souvenir store at Penang's famed Kek Lok Si temple many years ago. By the time I walked out of the shop, I was feeling a peace I hadn't known was missing. And because I didn't manage to catch the exact words, I found myself chanting "Om mali beh teh soh" in my mind all over town. Beh teh soh  - a biscuit I love with such fervour that it's unwise to leave packets of it around the home lest I eat it all. Although I am not a religious person, I was already asking for forgiveness for singing the 'song' the way...

Mar 20, 2020

8 Saloma Link

The pedestrian bridge itself is 69 metres long, named after our First National Songbird. Saloma Link It was an impromptu thing. Jen and I finally met up to pass on Christmas and Birthday presents to each other. Her special day is in July but we're two people who aren't particular about celebrating on exact dates and we're ok with just about any day in the year. Less headache, kan? Anyway, it was a case of 'where shall we go, ah?' one Saturday morning. We were in Midvalley for breakfast before we decided to check out the very lifeless KL Eco City. From there, we took the LRT to Kampung Baru after finally deciding  on a bit of local...

Mar 14, 2020

10 Eats : Nasi Ahmad, It's All About The Gravy

Wednesday, 11th March. Hubs and I had just left Big Bad Wolf Books HQ in Shah Alam, after a tour of the place and to collect one of the best things in life, something that I'd been waiting for since my Birthday in Jan. Aah, but let's not stray. This is supposed to be about my fantastic lunch! It cost us RM33 or was it RM38, a portion that is meant for four, for two greedy people who overate. We were, however, wise enough to ask for half the portion of rice. That night, we stuck to eating a pitiful small sandwich for dinner. Nasi Ahmad sells nasi kandar, Kedah style. Fluffy yellow rice topped with splashes of gravy from various pots of...

Mar 11, 2020

14 It's A Long Story

It's a long story ..or not. I can write about my adventures in several posts to show you why I  had disappeared from blogosphere for more than a year, but the short of it is simply that I have been occupied with life offline and didn't feel a need to hurry back. There were a few months spent on home renovation. I had Airbnb-ed in 7 or 8 different apartments during that time. It was a year without a pc with an internet connection and the this and that. A simple reach out by an old blogger friend, however, made me realise how much I miss my online journal. To read back on my adventures, to reconnect with old blog friends ..oh, the many interesting...

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